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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Poland-My Father's Land >> Babia Gora "Old Wives or Witches Mountain" > Old Wives or Witches Mountain01.jpg
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Old Wives or Witches Mountain01.jpg

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/20s f/2.7 at 6.0mm full exif

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Marisa Livet08-Aug-2011 10:41
Very beautiful soft and foggy scene, the fresh green of the leaves in forground fades away very sweetly in the misty background
Cindie Wolf04-Aug-2011 03:14
A beautiful place to get lost or be found.. V
Nora van Beek09-Jun-2011 20:20
The fog gives this scene a mysterious aura. Nicely done! ~V~
waterfalls man07-Sep-2009 15:57
Beautiful Shot & Comp.V
Ceya30-Jun-2009 14:15
Wonderful misty scenery.. V!
cits_4_pets06-May-2009 17:15
This is beautiful, would love to ride my horse through here! (Her grandfather was Polish) Nice mood. V
pascal23-Apr-2009 18:06
I like a lot the mood of this one. Really excellent.
Monte Stevens16-Nov-2008 14:51
I like this image for its mood and your composition. Well done!
Guest 14-Nov-2008 06:59
Beautiful mood, excellent image. VOTE!
Marcia Rules13-Nov-2008 13:34
stunning, favorite here ~V~
Guest 11-Nov-2008 23:18
Whispers and secrets would be lost forever.

an nguyen11-Nov-2008 22:24
Mysterious and dreamy shot.. V
Peter Sussex11-Nov-2008 21:57
Mysterious trail with almost touchable atmosphere.
Giancarlo Guzzardi11-Nov-2008 10:31
magical vision in the fog, fascinating and mysterious.
I like much the brilliant green here
Sergio Pessolano10-Nov-2008 11:01
Excellent atmosphere. V.
Bill Warren10-Nov-2008 00:23
The mist beckons my eye to travel down this path. V
Bob White07-Nov-2008 22:03
Excellent shot and wonderful mood V
Kilkenny Photographic Society01-Nov-2008 09:01
deborahcuming23-Oct-2008 03:03
a mysterious and engaging trail through the mist:) wonderful colors and the wonderful greens that seem to really pop in this! V
zyziza22-Oct-2008 17:11
Oj lubie takie wycieczki :-))) V
Guest 06-Oct-2008 22:59
Fantastic image, Bartosz. The fog sets the mood for this image. Well done. V
Eric Herbelin06-Oct-2008 10:17
a master piece! v
Guest 01-Aug-2008 18:56
Gorgeous! I love the rich green ferns,and similarly, as you said about my misty shot... spooookeeee LOL
mathilda williams21-Jul-2008 23:06
beautifully moody image.
Guest 14-Jun-2008 19:09
Looks really mysterious, V
Ken Zaret11-Jun-2008 03:03
Great woods shot, draws you in.
Ken McColl19-May-2008 15:33
This is a very strong image Bartosz, I like the way you have framed the shot and used the fog to create an interesting mood.
Chris Sofopoulos19-May-2008 07:23
Love the atmosphere!
Paul Chan09-May-2008 22:17
Attractive foggy mood.
Jim Coffman07-May-2008 12:57
Simply stunning image.V
endre novak01-May-2008 19:48
fine mood, excellent image.
Steve Highfield19-Apr-2008 15:56
Beautiful composition using the fogginess for great effect and atmosphere so appropriately.
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