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A Square Postcard from ...

.... Lechlade , Gloucestershire, England

This is the highest lock on the Thames. Visited a strange place called Faringdon on the way
here. Food at The Woodman, Fernham to be recommended as was the English beer.

Weather hot, humid and terrible thunder last night.

Thinking of visiting Swindon later - the locals say we'll find more culture in a pot of yoghurt!

Wish you were here ?

See you soon

Love from John & Sue

Other PBasers sending postcards for the Thursday challenge:





Luther Dean








other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-Jul-2006 11:10
Nice framing!!! Great job!!!
Guest 28-Jul-2006 11:04
More culture in a pot of what? We ain't into that rubbish 'ere. Our culture comes wif fries!
Karen Stuebing28-Jul-2006 09:46
Love that spire in the distance. Great depth to this photo/postcard. Well done.
Doug Kessler28-Jul-2006 03:58
Very nice shot, John!
Linda Willets28-Jul-2006 03:15
Want to visit there.
Sheila28-Jul-2006 02:48
I wish I was there too, or anywhere in England, sending postcards out.
Lovely steeple in the distance.
virginiacoastline28-Jul-2006 01:13
umm . . that's quite OK . . .I'll pass on being there . . we have the same 3 H weather here (hazy hot humid)
J. Scott Coile28-Jul-2006 00:20
US Postal Service will charge more to mail that one (odd size) ;) NICE.
shatterbug28-Jul-2006 00:13
Nicely framed!
Cindi Smith27-Jul-2006 23:28
I like this very much! Great comp!
Coleen Perilloux Landry27-Jul-2006 23:12
I love this with the church steeple in the distance in the light.
Guest 27-Jul-2006 21:19
knowing that there is good beer is enough to make me pay a visit ;-)
Guest 27-Jul-2006 21:17
Nice scene John.
laine8227-Jul-2006 20:43
Well you know how much I wish I was there don't you !! Tell me do you drink warm beer in the summer or is it coldie...the RIGHT way to drink it ;>)
Ray :)27-Jul-2006 20:37
Nicely framed. Maybe Swindon was like this once...
Robin Reid27-Jul-2006 20:10
Nicely composed and taken.
Carole Stevens27-Jul-2006 20:08
Nicely taken lovely POV John!
Faye White27-Jul-2006 19:52
beautiful scene!
Guest 27-Jul-2006 19:40
Great bit of framing John. You are so aquare:-)
John Beck27-Jul-2006 19:11
I can say ditto for all the previous comments. Very well done.
Gary Winters27-Jul-2006 18:41
Great image, John! Wish I WAS there, actually! :-)
Nicki Thurgar27-Jul-2006 18:37
Great framing, love the distant misty church spire...
Buz Kiefer27-Jul-2006 17:44
I like the way you framed the shot and all the layers here. Good job John.
SRW27-Jul-2006 17:41
No: don't go to Swindon, John... -- you'll get lost amongst all those roundabouts! (And yes, having lived in Cheltenham for many years, I do wish I was in Lechlade!) Wonderful framing...!
Shayne27-Jul-2006 17:07
Great POV ~ very nice image
royalld27-Jul-2006 16:36
Nice greeting.
Zak27-Jul-2006 16:31
nice shot!