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JW | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> Galleries By Subject >> Animals >> Quadrupix - My Best Animal Images > Multi-suckling
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Usually a dairy cow has her calf taken away at 24 hours to allow her milk
to be sold. And a beef cow rears her own single calf for nine months.

When I reared calves I bought dairy cows which produced loads of milk and trained
them to foster bought-in calves. The record was 25 for one cow in a year!

It was quite a sight when we turned them out into the fields in spring
- 10 cows and 40 calves running in a field. Some of the cows would allow only their
own 'family' to suckle, but several would open the 'milkbar' for any passing
calf that was brave enough to risk a hefty kick if the cow wasn't so accommodating!

Needless to say, those calves were far healthier and grew faster than those reared
from buckets of milk-substitute.

From my Cattle gallery.

Link to my Cattle Topic

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joanteno27-Apr-2010 23:12
Great shot
Ray :)28-Jul-2006 17:27
LOL@Laine! Great documentary shot, John!
joanteno28-Jul-2006 15:21
Cool shot, John.
Adalberto Tiburzi28-Jul-2006 12:10
Educational as usual!
Thanks for sharing ;-)
Guest 28-Jul-2006 12:06
:-)) If only we had two mouths:-)
laine8228-Jul-2006 08:54
I am woman hear me roar... !!! LOL
beverley harrison28-Jul-2006 08:06
what a wonderful story to go with this equally wonderful image!!