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JW | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> Galleries By Subject >> Animals >> Quadrupix - My Best Animal Images > Early Morning Traffic On The River
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Early Morning Traffic On The River

Lechlade, Gloucestershire

(The duck was in the wrong place to make a SQUiD of this !)

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Di01-May-2010 01:14
I love this one, too.
snootydog11-Sep-2006 03:55
outrageous... this is a beautiful shot
shatterbug30-Jul-2006 19:17
This is wonderful John! Great light and mood! Good idea to keep the duck :-) Vote.
Richard Calmes29-Jul-2006 14:12
Perfect composition! Great atmosphere! V
Sharon Rogers28-Jul-2006 15:43
ooh noo, you had to keep the duck and lose the squid! hehe v>
Guest 28-Jul-2006 10:57
Superb John - GMV.
Buz Kiefer27-Jul-2006 17:45
Excellent! Vote.
Karen Stuebing27-Jul-2006 10:39
This is just fantastic!! Vx4, if I could
Steven Jusczyk27-Jul-2006 07:41
Love the light in the mist!
De'Carr Studio27-Jul-2006 04:20
Fantastic, John. Wonderful light and mood. Vote
Guest 27-Jul-2006 01:51
Beautiful silhouette type image. LOVE the rays of light. V
Guest 27-Jul-2006 01:44
Nicely layered image, thanks for saving the duck :) it adds a lot!
Mindy McNaugher27-Jul-2006 01:43
Love this! Stunning light and marvelous mood! Vote!
Guest 27-Jul-2006 01:31
Captures the mood perfectly John!
joanteno27-Jul-2006 01:27
Love the rays of light - very nice, v
Coleen Perilloux Landry27-Jul-2006 00:56
Very nicely layered composition. I do not know what a SQUID is.
s_barbour26-Jul-2006 23:17
Such a peaceful image John, it is just gorgeous! GMV
SRW26-Jul-2006 21:52
Just wonderful, John... marvellous horizontal bands of texture and depth... (V)
Guest 26-Jul-2006 19:56
Stunning photography John. Big vote just love them Rays
Carole Stevens26-Jul-2006 19:19
Oh I love this John its my sort of shot its so tranquil and peaceful , you can smell and feel the morning dew! VVV!
Robin Reid26-Jul-2006 18:27
Nice job.
beverley harrison26-Jul-2006 18:17
just beautiful it is!!
Brian McAllister26-Jul-2006 18:11
Gorgeous shot! vote.
Zak26-Jul-2006 18:07
the golden-ness
Naomi 26-Jul-2006 17:31
Wow, I really like this nicely layered composition. There's just enough light and the sunrays are very nice. GMV
Chuck Inglefield26-Jul-2006 17:27
beautifully composed.
Nicki Thurgar26-Jul-2006 17:25
This is just gorgeous, love those misty rays *V*
Scott Browne26-Jul-2006 17:17
Gorgeous. Well seen and captured. voted
Antonis Sarantos26-Jul-2006 17:03
Marvelous!!! GMV.
J. Scott Coile26-Jul-2006 16:18
Amazing John. I love this! Vote.