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My Best Pictures

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Simmental Heifers Wood Wharf Calling To Her Baby Sweden - cutting outline with chainsaw
USA -Texas Chainsaw Maestro Steve Armance - African Ice Sculptor Hot, sweet and steamy Exmoor Ponies at Autumn Sundown (best viewed at original)
Bee on Lavender 2 Early Morning At Wembley Stadium Suffolk Sundown Up The Hill Through The Trees
Maseratis On The Front Lawn The Sugar Factory At Dusk Frosted Ferns Back-lit by Winter Sunshine The Final Sunset of 2012
Early In The Mornin' Sun Rising Over Canola (Oilseed Rape) Harvest Monsters Seams Adjustment
IMG_3198-Edit copy.jpg Colour In The Rain At Kew IMG_3244-Edit copy.jpg Ground Control To Major Tom
Coming To Getchya! Angel of The North Three Couples IMG_9477 copy.jpg
Punters Sailing By Level 72 London Bridge Station
Tower Bridge Raised Canary Wharf From The Shard Social Networking Late
Looking Out Blokes in Colourful Trousers in a Queue You must give me the name of your tailor! One for Ray
This Is Not A Rubbish Dump Westminster Tourist IMG_9534 copy.jpg Clearing The Brushwood
Beach Life (again!) Lovers Walking Out On A Sunny Day Lovers Walking Out On A Sunny Day 2 Foxy Lady, Angie, She's Leaving Home
A Quiet Morning On The Tube Checking The Tourist Guide Over A Coffee Life and Love In The Park Coming and Going
Poppies In Ripening Barley Manifestation Timeless The Cafe Dog
Dandelion / Pissenlit / Lowenzahn Dandelions & Tree Turnip Texting In Colour
Life's A Beach! Les Amoureux Mediterranees London to Norwich mainline, Cambridge branchline Poppy and Barley
Animated GIF 3 You lookin' at me? Boy In A Bubble Man Cage
Stairway to (platform) Seven Lone Snowy Tree 2 Red Roses for her Valentine Frozen Web
Snowy Churchyard The Picnic (With Apologies to Henri Cartier-Bresson!) Garlic Bulbs This Year's Colour
Windmill at Sundown Hello October! Autumn Layers 1-2-3
Misty Morning Autumn Under The Old Oak Tree Moonlight Through A Rooflight With External Frost Sète (PLEASE VIEW AT ORIGINAL SIZE)
Trompe-l-oeil fresco 20120916_2827 copy.jpg Hôtel des Barons de Lacoste French Girls
Tricoleur Thoughtful Catching The Breeze and The Sun Matriarch
Lady of The Weird and Wonderful Wood Fiddle Player and Photgrapher Haughley Hall and Glass Sculpture Teepee By The  Lake
Chisels Weird & Wonderful Wood 2012 Basket Case Thumb-sticks
Dalmatian Reflecting Hard At Work Pakenham Windmill
Pollination Cocky Mother & Daughter Same Camera, Same Lens 1
Snow Sows Snow Sows 2 Bare Trees, Big Cloud Trunks
Candid of Casual Cambridge Cafe Communication We Will Remember Them ..... Incongruous Morning dew on a blade of grass
Breaking Cover Chimney Sunset Three Bare Trees In Canola / Rapeseed Blue Spin
The Stoke City Tulip 2011 FA Cup Final Manchester City v Stoke City Roadside Hunter Heron In Flight
The Boys Are Back In Town! Staffordshire Cows Chilling Out The Light At The End of The Tunnel Lovers
Engagement Stormy Suffolk Skies Tricks of the Light Twister
Old Sea Dog Daisies and Bug Busy Bee on Delicate Daisy Doing 'The Twirl' !!
Beach Dog Showing Off! Cruiser On The River Yare Look who I found in my sink this morning!
Loch Ness - the Eastern Shore The Long & Winding Road - Day 9 LEJOG2011 - They did it!!!! Torrent!
Bottle-nose Dolphin Shags and Gannets on Oil Rig Cyclist & Shadow Sunset Photography
Catching The Tube Canal Life Boats At The End of The Tunnel Victoria & Brolly
Fields in Misty Sunrise Velcro Prototypes Fotheringhay Billie and Jeremy in the Ford
Ducks & Autumn Colours October Sunrise Italy Tree Fresh Ploughing In The Mist
Town House Thelnetham Windmill Stanton Windmill P1020852 copy.jpg
A-maize-ing Lines Two Trees Under a Turneresque Stormy Summer Suffolk Sky Four Sheets To The Wind Fish For Sale
Janie's Got A Gun! Vintage Kiss Voluptuous Marks & Spencer sizing isn't what it used to be!
Pirate and Wench IMG_8597 copy.jpg IMG_8562 copy.jpg IMG_8550.jpg
IMG_8525 copy.jpg IMG_8494 copy.jpg Angus Cow and Calf Simmental X sucklers
IMG_6924 copy.jpg IMG_6906 copy.jpg IMG_6897 copy.jpg IMG_6250 copy.jpg
IMG_6180 copy.jpg Get A Grip! Caterpillar & Boat Golden Harvest
Wheat Harvest Sundown, Stanton, Suffolk Delayed at Colchester Ely Cathedral At Sundown BW
Ely Cathedral At Sundown Jessie - Made In Norfolk Farmall Cubs 050611_2050 copy.jpg
050611_2091 copy.jpg 050611_2104 copy.jpg 050611_2106 copy.jpg 050611_2111 copy.jpg
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050611_2183 copy.jpg Nicky and Bev's Sunflowers Making Honey From Sunshine! Bluebells Macro
Inside A Tulip Climber Geese and Rover 2000 Happy Shoppers
Horny Female Daisy and Buttercup Among The Dandelions Lift Off! Ewe Looking At Me
Mother & Daughter Threatening Sky Beach Huts East Mersea Beach Huts
At Low Tide House Boats The Man In The White Suit Girl With Pink Brolly In The BAFTAs Queue
Pigs Might Fly Big Piggies (Focus on the reflection!) Porcine Reflections Dinosaur Grandeur
Fountain Of Youth Trafalgar Square Going Round The Bend IMG_8851 copy.jpg
One Way Traffic Child and Pigeons Paul McCartney at the BAFTAs 2011 Peter Jones (Dragon's Den)
Colin Firth (Golden Globe and BAFTA winner) Emma Watson Gerard Butler at the BAFTAs 20110213-IMG_0324.jpg
Jane Goldman Kimberly Walsh Rupert Grint Jesse Eisenberg
The lovely Claudia Winkelman Water Tower and Storm Clouds Round Bales, Stormy Sky One Tree Sky
Twin Toms Forest Vortex Snowy Tree Roots 9827
9836 Light and Ice Sugar Factory Local Chippie Southwold Shore Scene
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20100830-IMG_9550.jpg 20100830-IMG_9518.jpg Pony Love Alert Foal
West Suffolk Wheelers Triathlete IMG_7362 copy.jpg IMG_7353 copy.jpg P1010200 copy.jpg
P1010191 copy.jpg P1010198 copy.jpg Imelda May IMG_5864 copy.jpg
Imelda May Illustrates a Lyric! Each Tide New Footprints All Things Bright And Beautiful Fountains Abbey Reflection
Fountains Abbey Vaults Dwarfed By Splendour Fountains Hall Standing His Ground
Quay Steps Map Sculpture And Girl 20051226 Foxhounds in Kennels Mother & Daughter
Weimerana The World In A Puddle In The Car Wash Coastal Walk
Colour Co-ordinated The '23' Twins I Want Ewe! Stand still! If this gets enough hits on Pbase, we might get spotted by Johnny JAG!
Play Time Orford Estuary Sunny Southwold Orange Flags
Big Sky, Small Boat Crane Muddy Water Blues Selfridges Building
Camera Couple Cuddle Canal Boat Based Photographer 2 Emergency Exits Coastal Curios
Some Kind Of Solitude Is Measured Out In You IMG_2169 copy.jpg Arborial Abstract 1941 Leafy Frost
A light frost One Tree, One Cloud Roadside Tree at Dawn Miss Bella A Go Go 2
Guinot Head On Gibson Mill Pond The Mill Pond Viewed From The Mill Drive By Shooting
Timeless Style Motor Face IMG_2929-Edit copy.jpg IMG_2985-Edit copy.jpg
Frannie Suffolk Poppies Cycle Central A Ray of Sunshine
Punt Sous La Pont Top Hat Cool Blues Guitarist IMG_1490
Night Moves Blowin' Free IMG_1020-Edit copy.jpg IMG_0670-Edit copy.jpg
Reflections Getting Ready To Party! Tulips In The Abbey Gardens 2 The Secret Life of A Dandelion 1
The Secret Life of A Dandelion 3 IMG_9914-Edit copy.jpg Drivers Stylish Smoker
Local Troublemakers! Taking It Easy - Colour New Hair William
Cabot Circus Car Park Another Mini Adventure The Citizens of Bath ......                            (View At Original Size) Miss Bella A Go Go
Brolly Dance Barbara Clarence Dock Beauty In The Crowd
Smoking Outside The Pub Ramsgate Reflections Stern A Quiet Sunday Morning In The Harbour
Tracks In The Sand Starfish The Arc IMG_0285-182 copy.jpg
Powder & Shoes - ready for the judge IMG_0320 IMG_8522 copy.jpg Bridge of Sighs (Oxford)
Where Am I? Z is for 'Zee' ... River Rolling Round Rural Religious Rendezvous Lamp Light
Worried The Only Way is Up! Frosty Morning Oaks Abbey Lights
Blue Sky and Sun......flower A Winter's Day in an English Churchyard Ancient & Modern Fish Face
Time Together What A Waste Sugary Rose The Weir on The Wear
Like Mother like Daughter (Sheena and Laura) Padstow Quayside Padstow The Graduates
Take Off! Lost In This Moment Dawn On The Thames Web 6432
In Flight Peter-acula! Aligned Golden Spray
May The Sun Shine In Your Hearts! The Last Sunday Afternoon of Summer Cornflower & Poppy Radials
Fully Open B&W Tree Droplets & Whiskers Lily
Bleriot Canopy Government Denies UK Skies Are Over-Crowded! Closer
Posing Mill Pond Abstract 1 Morris Dancer Padstow
Morris Dance Leader IMG_6753 copy.jpg Not Suitable For Vegetarians Marlow Bridge & Rowing Club
Riverside Style Guilty! Bee In Pink Flower Country Cottage
Buoy and Boardwalk Whitby Abbey Reflected Endeavour Rigging City people
Caption required ..... Gherkin and Lily Pads The Heat of The City Tasty Sample
Sh! Caen Hill Locks (Please View Map) Wild Garlic & Beech Trees My Current PC Desktop
IMG_2196 copy.jpg Lone Figure On The Terrace Blue Bluebells Cloisters 2
Cloisters Bluebells 2158 Natural Processing Canola and Trees
Natural Decadence Beached Boats Rye Harbour Red Roof
Painters Starting Out On A Journey Salisbury Cathedral Toes & Tiles
The Jewellery Seller Brighton Style! Birthday Girl Hangin' Out In Brighton!
Whitstable Oyster Co. Seafront Terrace R14 Flags Pat The Accountant
Groynes Bare High Stakes Milky Weir
Timber! Beautiful Broad Street Bicyclist Composure Independence Day - Kosovo Style!
One Way Traffic Early Morning on The Gallops 1 Dawn At Oliver's Castle West Bay 2
West Bay Edward & Ryan Flippin' Wet Street Scene Facebook Eye!
Horses, Trees and Floods Canary Wharf from Greenwich 3 Tower Bridge Westminster at Twilight
Bath Abbey - using Gorillapod! Sun Through The Fog Feeling Naughty! Jumping Boy
Bad Hair Day Beeches Tree At Dawn Colour and B&W
Double Droplet Landing Stylish Thatched Cottage Waiting For The Home Bound Train
Japanese Garden Groovy Geese Window Display Black & White
Guess who? A Wall Of Colour Stonehenge Sundown Catching Up
Secure At Sundown British Airways Announce The Late Arrival Of ....... Fly Past Tintern Abbey and the River Wye
River Severn Near Lydney Bridge of Sighs Bridge of Sighs Cambridge Call Girls!
On Which The Sun Never Sets Natural History Museum Dog Walk Break You Can Take A Horse To Water
The Sun Sinking Low Sundown Beech Great British Tourism It's Now Or Never (Elvis Presley)
102 Days The Gossipers Pony, Fence and Sunset The Friends' Meeting House, St Giles
Cliff Walk 7.13am: The Morning After ....... Polish Smiles Elements - Au and C
Nikon Blonde Guitar Body Team Guinot Cherhill Down
Poppy Field Jeunesse Charolaise Charolais Cow Charolais' At Sundown 2
Cherhill Down Tram Lines 1 London Girl Wiltshire Downs
Ladies of The Royal Crescent Lines And Shapes Early Morning Leeds Corn Exchange
Lines Canal Locks Beasts In The Meadow Madeleine McCann (Please Vote and Promote Awareness!)
Three Wise Pigeons Mare and Two Foals Mini and Terrace Fast Foal
Give Us A Kiss!! Curvy Cotswold Countryside Poplar Shadows Broadway Tower
Beached Rowing Boats The White Hart, Wroughton Eggstra Terrestial! Heifers In The Buttercup Meadow
The Hot Dog Stand Cairn Terrier Pup The Weave Early Start
Easter Hat SP In The Straw Barn Trotting Lamb At Easter 333,000 times the Mass of  the Earth
Agapanthus Spring Green Cool Koala Thursday Challenge: Comfortably(?) Asleep
Australian Pelican Feeding Australian Pelicans Australian Pelicans Abstract Arrangement - Upload 2 due to Red X's
Mother and Daughter Keeping Cool Merino Ewe On The Jetty 1 Surf's Up!
Tatts For The Memory IMG_5769 copy.jpg  You Looking At Me? David Laity Exhibition
Promise of Rain Drought Affected Pasture 1 Lizard in the wild 1 The Hire Car
IMG_4973 copy.jpg Taking Tea With Granny Dragon Boat Racing and Support Girl and Fish
Da da - da da da da ......... Look into my eyes, not around my eyes ...... Canon Chick Chimping IMG_4562.jpg
Little Penguin (Happy Feet) Croc Queen Victoria Building Snap Shot
Harbour Bridge Reflected in Opera House Glass Girl In Street Cafe Keeping In Touch Conservatorium of Music
Opera House and Bridge You capture the bridge, darling, while I shoot the Opera house! Hong Kong Stopover London Pbase Meetup February 2007
Seeing Red in The Snow Avebury 199 Avebury Stones Fire In The Sky 84
First Snow Sky Clutter Hot and Cold Beef
Rainbow Reflections (Third Upload!) IMG_9544 copy.jpg Mother and Son 2 Bicycles
St Mary's Passage Martyrs Memorial Night Moves Cobblestones
Mother and Son Huntsman 2 Fox Eye View Harris Hawk 1
Red Berry Droplets 2 Monkey Puzzle Droplets Red Berry Droplets Ice Web
Nicky Thurgar Good Day, Sunshine You've either got it , or you haven't .... Norwich Cathedral
Elegant Photographress Mackerel Sky Woolstone Church Late Challenge
Chorus Line Whiskers & Ice Gimmer Baaaa-keh 1
Baaaa-keh 3 Baaaaa-keh 2 Thursday Challenge - Illumination: Early Morning Light Badbury Beech
Lee 'SP' Rudd Bike Babe Posing Quadraphenia 1
Emma Assender Autumn Sunday Walk British Blonde - Doncombe Akhenaten (Best Viewed At Original) Bumble
Bumble IMG_0213 IMG_0187 Purple Rose
Nicky Thurgar Highland Bull Did you know ...... Bull Shock!
Champion Limousin Bull My First Paddle Beach Puppy Tisbury Harbour Sunrise
Tisbury Harbour Sunrise 3,283 miles from Faringdon! Aquinnah Sundown Sunrise At Quitsa
Vineyard Style Kayak Colour Harbourside Hound PBase's most gifted photographers .............
Boston, Massachusetts A Mini Adventure Le Sabre Ford V8 Pilot
Framed! Summer in The City Blinded By The Light Multi-suckling 2
Multi-suckling A Square Postcard from ... Early Morning Traffic On The River Evening Trot
Inside a Flower Seed Head Girl in a Corn Circle Heron Over The Thames at Radcot King of The Jungle
Limousin Heifer Calf No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk! Cider Crop Cool Gravestone
Isn't She Lovely? The Manger Summer Cyclists Sunset Gateway
Poppy and Canola Pods English Pub - fancy a pint? Sharon's Poppies White Peacock
And A Pheasant in a Plum Tree Show Me The Way! Pose nicely for the pbasers, dear! Girls Girls Girls
Ogborne St  Andrew Ashdown House Fire Chief Denies Cutbacks Will Put Public At Risk! I'm Watching You !
Too late! The Clock Man Happy Mother's Day! Skin to Skin
Dawn Bluebells Scotch Blackfaces Prancing Lamb The Mirage
The Tourist 20060430 Chenonceau Chateau Cow and Calves in Pyrennean Mountain Meadow Swallowtail Butterfly
20060425 Horse At Altitude 20060417  Horse, Hound & Phone 20060408 Second Severn Crossing 20060329 Sheep - Black & White
20060328 Another Oxford Lady 20060326 The Pasty Cafe Girl 20060325 I Predict A Riot 1 20060323 Snowy Wrotislavian Sundown
20060315 Snowy Fields 20060314 Snow On The Line 20060313 Polish Cappuccino 20060306 Mixed Emotions
20060228 Pretentious Pony 20060226 The Mould Store 20060222 Monkey Tails Bev Harrison and Carol with War victim and his campaign material!
20060219 PBase London Meetup - the guilty are named! 20060217 Ploughing 20060210 RUM 20060205 Treetops in Winter
20060124 Royal Stag 20060121 Lone Stag at Dawn 20060118 Coleshill, Hitler and the SAS 20060115 OH 5HIT
20060107 Bull Nose 20060105 Atrium Reflections Oxford Air Raid 20051227 Three Horses
20051226 Foxhounds 20051215 Metallica 20051211 Ashdown Woods Early Morning 20050604 Don't Mess With Tigger
20051122 Feels like home 20051120 Natural Sepia IMG_0676 copy.jpg 20051114 Old Wroclaw Street
20051023 Westonbirt Japanese Maple 20050928 Most Haunted 20050927 The Needles at Sunset 20050926 Diamond & Aysha
20050924 Suffolk Punches Ploughing 20050923 The Lion and The Dinosaur 20050919 Dave's Dog - Otto 20050918 The most secret place in the UK - Orford Ness
20050828 Green Girl Hereford Bull 20050827 Leggy Lady Lines up Later Liaison 20050823 Sundown, Moonrise
20050816 Harvest Moon 20050815 Spitfire in Sepia 20050814 Spitfire Lady 20050809 All the way from Michigan, USA .....
20050807 Woolly Behinds 20050806 Strength and Tenderness 20050801 Mr Pierce 20050726 CCTV Tree
20050724 Teasel 20050719 Wiltshire Cornfield 20050716 A Pig With No Name - Pet or Pork? 20050714 Misty Vale
20050713 Martian Dawn 20050709 Agility Dog 20050708 Jim 20050626_0062.jpg
20050704 Moments Before Catastrophe Struck 20050703 Fat Bottom Girls 20050701 Pole Cat 20050628 Heavily Pregnant Thoroughbred Mare
20050628 Thoroughbred Mare & Foal 20050626 Welsh Ponies and Foals 20050625 Mother and Foal Asleep 20050623 Sunset Lantern & Spiral
20050528 Oxford Couple 20050613 Poppy Field Pony and Flint Wall (Best Viewed at Original) 20050609 Taurus Erotica
I can't seeeee you! Bengal Tiger Sumatran Tiger 20050604 Don't mess with Tigger!
20050603 Windy Horse 20050529 Grenoble Road, Oxford 20050528 Velo city 20050524 Harley Fender In The Rain (view at Original)
20050520 Private Time 20050517 Nearly a bit of Canadian History 20050515 On Location With Cows 20050511 The Kiss
20050510 Top Cow 20050509 Buttercups & Fence 20050507 Rapeseed Twirl 20050507 Rapeseed and Clouds
200500506 Aberdulais Falls 20050503 More Bluebells at Badbury Hill, Coleshill, Oxfordshire 20050430 Lamb On The Edge - Don't Jump! 20050429 Port Eynon Beach
Vale of White Horse from Gt Coxwell 20050428 Barbed Comments 20050426 From Tree To Infinity The Footpath
Dressage Mistress Great Coxwell Rapeseed (Canola) field Uffington White Horse Hill
20050418 Vegetation Constellation (View at Original!) 20050415 Megan the Welsh Collie 20050413 Nell 20050410 Dandelion Snack
Pantheon 20050408 Waiter & Waitress 20050407 Foro di Traiano, Rome The Pantheon, Rome
20050406 The Forum, Rome 20050405 Monumento del Vittorio 20050403 Roman Flags for The Pope Four In a Row
Shades Jurassic Coast, Dorset Sunbeam Alpine Couple On Beach
Cotswold Dry Stone Wall Fishing Boat, Cap Ferret, Aquitaine, France Cap Ferret, Aquitaine, France Orchid Phalaenopsis 6
Versailles Orchid Phalaenopsis 4 The Nashville Teens Orange Executive at the BAFTA's
Diane Kruger Juliette Lewis Leonardo 1 Clifton Suspension Bridge
Sweet Chestnut 1 Is it cuz I is a dummy? Saturday Afternoon in Coleshill Pig 20050129
Denise Van Outen at Magic Roundabout Premiere Farm Shed Boy and Combine Mud on The Thames
Men In Black (with crazy makeup) Spot The Crow ..... Short Street, Longton, Stoke on Trent, England Short Street, Longton, North Staffordshire, England
Natural Decline Faringdon Folly Tower Britain's Only Inland Lighthouse Ashdown House
Badbury Clump, Faringdon, Oxfordshire Botley Road, Oxford Spot the White Horse .................. Autumn Afternoon 1
Coxwell Cottage Garden Great Coxwell Tithe Barn, Oxfordshire, England Preparing The Seedbed Gloucester, England from Birdlip Hill
Chick and tortoise Port Meadow, Oxford, England Throwley Hall, Staffordshire, England Cotswold Tithe Barn, Oxfordshire, England
Barnsdale, North Yorkshire Rievaulx Abbey Mac and Brad @Homeplace Ranch, Priddis, Alberta Mr Punch
Bluebells, Badbury Woods, Oxfordshire, England D'ya wanna be in our gang? Pig The winner (with Granny)
Catching the judge's eye Oyster Restaurant, Cap Ferret, Aquitaine, France Faringdon Market Place, Oxfordshire, England Freight train, Jasper, Alberta
AB204_Moraine.JPG Claas Combine in Barley Sitting Bull Charolais Ablution
Deep Veined Cabbages Eiffel Tower view - not for wimps! Sunset, Cap Ferret, Aquitaine, France Madame Charolais
Barrel Racer, Millarville Rodeo, Alberta Summer Horse Bonfire Ashdown House, Oxfordshire, England
Another Cliche Sunset Poppies, Barn and Rainbow Felixstowe
:: Felixstowe ::