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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> ITALY Photos - Tuscany photos - 2006 (partial) >> Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel Tour Photos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel Tour Photos

Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling and the chapel itself are
a breathtaking experience and the crowds a nervewracking one.

You can enjoy music from that period while browsing.
The Vatican webpage offers user-controlled close-ups of the ceiling here.

For the Raphael ( Raffaello ) painting of "Dispute" shown below,
see also an overview,with more at my image title links.
Also, see user-controlled close-ups of this painting here.

( For FULL Screen: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, cmd-b or maximize screen. )

First sight of St. Peter's from doubledecker bus
First sight of St. Peter's from doubledecker bus
BLURRED photo from bus (which didn't stop)
BLURRED photo from bus (which didn't stop)
Vatican Tour starts with Court of the Pine (Pigna).
Vatican Tour starts with Court of the Pine (Pigna).
First courtyard
First courtyard
Marble copy of a 4th C. BC bronze of Lysippus 'The Apoxyomenos' See info from Eloise below!
Marble copy of a 4th C. BC bronze of Lysippus 'The Apoxyomenos'
See info from Eloise below!
The Belvedere Apollo
The Belvedere Apollo
The Belvedere Apollo plus a frieze
The Belvedere Apollo plus a frieze
A river god, in the courtyard
A river god, in the courtyard
Famous Laocoon orig'l  (2005 theory: Michelangelo forged it)
Famous Laocoon orig'l (2005 theory: Michelangelo forged it)
In a Vatican room of sculptures, Hercules (Heracles) of the Theater of PompeyHercules Righetti
In a Vatican room of sculptures, Hercules (Heracles) of the Theater of Pompey
Hercules Righetti
Blurred, but interesting Resurrection tapestry
Blurred, but interesting Resurrection tapestry
This ceiling of the Maps Gallery is quite something!
This ceiling of the Maps Gallery is quite something!
Ceiling features are clearer here
Ceiling features are clearer here
Our enthusiastic guide is in the yellow sweater.
Our enthusiastic guide is in the yellow sweater.
From Raphael's Stanza of the Signatura - 'Dispute'
From Raphael's Stanza of the Signatura - 'Dispute'
More from Raphael's  'Dispute of the Blessed Sacrament'
More from Raphael's 'Dispute of the Blessed Sacrament'
Sistine Chapel, first sight of ceiling
Sistine Chapel, first sight of ceiling
Previous shot, rotated for old testament scenes
Previous shot, rotated for old testament scenes
Various Sibyls
Various Sibyls
From back seating area where we could sit and enjoy
From back seating area where we could sit and enjoy
Figures breaking the boundaries - my favorite
Figures breaking the boundaries - my favorite
(BLURRED)  Last Judgment
(BLURRED) Last Judgment
D. Ghirlandaio's 'Vocation of St. Peter and of St. Paul'
D. Ghirlandaio's 'Vocation of St. Peter and of St. Paul'
G. Roselli's 'Sermon on the Mount' near back gate
G. Roselli's 'Sermon on the Mount' near back gate
First glimpse of Michelangelo's 'Pieta' in St. Peter's
First glimpse of Michelangelo's 'Pieta' in St. Peter's
Closer up, through glass.  Photography is not discouraged.
Closer up, through glass. Photography is not discouraged.
Crucified Jesus and a younger-faced eternal Mary
Crucified Jesus and a younger-faced eternal Mary
Michelangelo: a youthful Mary for mystery of birth and crucifixion.
Michelangelo: a youthful Mary for mystery of birth and crucifixion.
Michelangelo signed the banner when another artist was credited.
Michelangelo signed the banner when another artist was credited.
Michelangelo's dome
Michelangelo's dome
The final dome was under Michelangelo's supervision too.
The final dome was under Michelangelo's supervision too.
More from the top
More from the top
Exposure and zoom were set for the dove on this striking piece.
Exposure and zoom were set for the dove on this striking piece.
Exposure was set for the  angelic figures
Exposure was set for the angelic figures
Saying goodbye to St. Peter's
Saying goodbye to St. Peter's