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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> ITALY Photos - Tuscany photos - 2006 (partial) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

ITALY Photos - Tuscany photos - 2006 (partial)

Travel photographs: A beautiful 3-week trip to Rome, Tuscany, and Florence in May 2006.

  I started this record with pictures of more familiar tourist sites and first views of Tuscany.  Still coming (eventually!) 2 more days of Tuscany (Cortona, Collodi-Uzzana, and one more day of Rome (San Clemente & Parthenon).
    Most recently uploaded:

    The travel photos are mainly almost step-by-step pictures for friends interested in the trip.  More info and links to be added later.
    The videoclip of a guitarist in Volterra is now included in the Volterra gallery.
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Siena Photos, Part 1
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Siena Photos, Part 2
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Colle di Val d'Elsa photos, #1 of 2
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San Gimignano photos, #1 of   2
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San Gimignano photos, #2 of  2
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 Colle di Val d'Elsa  photos, #2 of 2
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Volterra photos - (In progress)
gallery: Volterra photos - (In progress)
Lucca photos, Day 1
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Life  atop the Lucca Wall - Lucca Photos 2
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Florence photos, #1-a of 5
gallery: Florence photos, #1-a of 5
Florence photos, #1-b -  Michelangelo's DAVID, Ghiberti, Fra Angelico
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Florence , #2 of 5 - Duomo and Uffizi Museum  photos
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Florence photos, #4 - Cellini's Perseus, Michelangelo's David
gallery: Florence photos, #4 - Cellini's Perseus, Michelangelo's David
Florence photos #5 of 5 - duomo area details
gallery: Florence photos #5 of 5 - duomo area details
Tourist House Ghiberti photos- our Florence b&b
gallery: Tourist House Ghiberti photos- our Florence b&b