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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> ITALY Photos - Tuscany photos - 2006 (partial) >> Florence photos, #1-b - Michelangelo's DAVID, Ghiberti, Fra Angelico tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Florence photos, #1-b - Michelangelo's DAVID, Ghiberti, Fra Angelico

Pictures of the Accademia Gallery and the mesmerizing statue of David by Michelangelo, Museum of San Marco (monastery), some detail from the Baptistery's East doors by Lorenzo Ghiberti.  Several more panels will be included later on, along wtih info.

  The doors outside are copies, for protection of the originals (now inside the nearby Opera del Duomo) from further weather damage (after a bad flood in 1966).

  I'll add a separate gallery for photos with interesting details from all the panels eventually.

Be sure not to miss an EXCELLENT, comprehensive page by Margaret Schaut on Michelangelo's David
      Also, see good info on Michelangelo's sculpture of David by David Leavitt.
      And here's my page on the Palazzo Vecchio copy that stands where the original did for centuries.

( For full Screen: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. )
Michelangelo's David, at Accademia
Michelangelo's David, at Accademia
Michelangelo's David.  Light on visitor's right hand mirrors David's left.
Michelangelo's David. Light on visitor's right hand mirrors David's left.
David was cut from a block discarded as useless.
David was cut from a block discarded as useless.
Facing entry corridor, slingshot more visible.
Facing entry corridor, slingshot more visible.
Michelangelo's David, cooly appraising, is beautifully understated.
Michelangelo's David, cooly appraising, is beautifully understated.
Michelangelo's David: amazingly life-like.
Michelangelo's David: amazingly life-like.
Zoom-in on previous image
Zoom-in on previous image
The pocket-sized Elph s410 was at max zoom.
The pocket-sized Elph s410 was at max zoom.
From the slingshot side
From the slingshot side
Preparing mind and body for the shot
Preparing mind and body for the shot
Returned to Ghiberti's Doors.  Story of Joseph, 3D-like perspective
Returned to Ghiberti's Doors. Story of Joseph, 3D-like perspective
Scenes from (top down) stories of  Cain & Abel; Abraham; Joseph
Scenes from (top down) stories of Cain & Abel; Abraham; Joseph
The door knobs are usually heads.  And, note the camel  :-)
The door knobs are usually heads. And, note the camel :-)
Moses and the tablets on Mt Sanai, with Joseph waiting halfway down
Moses and the tablets on Mt Sanai, with Joseph waiting halfway down
Moses and crowd below, taken the day before with dusk light on doors
Moses and crowd below, taken the day before with dusk light on doors
David slays Goliath (front), leads army (middle), with Jerusalem in background
David slays Goliath (front), leads army (middle), with Jerusalem in background
Joshua and Battle of Jericho.  Ark of Covenant in front of Joshua on chariot.Trumpeters above.
Joshua and Battle of Jericho. Ark of Covenant in front of Joshua on chariot.
Trumpeters above.
Celebrating fall of Jericho.  Distant figures in low-relief, from previous panel
Celebrating fall of Jericho. Distant figures in low-relief, from previous panel
I liked seeing how they looked out in the light.
I liked seeing how they looked out in the light.
Mary Ann, loving Fra Angelico's Museo San Marco
Mary Ann, loving Fra Angelico's Museo San Marco
Can anyone from Florence identify the artist?  It's on the label at San Marco.
Can anyone from Florence identify the artist? It's on the label at San Marco.
Fra Angelico's Annunciation - at top of stairs-San Marco (nice garden too)
Fra Angelico's Annunciation - at top of stairs-San Marco (nice garden too)
Closer up - Fra Angelico 'Annunciation'
Closer up - Fra Angelico 'Annunciation'
Duomo and last views of Florence
Duomo and last views of Florence
This was on way back to our Ghiberti hotel
This was on way back to our Ghiberti hotel
Tower from the other side, closer to hotel
Tower from the other side, closer to hotel
Me, on Ponte Santa Trinita, avoiding Ponte Vecchio crowds
Me, on Ponte Santa Trinita, avoiding Ponte Vecchio crowds
Can they tell I'm a tourist?  :-)
Can they tell I'm a tourist? :-)