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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Horses >
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Nikon D80
1/200s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

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Sandi Whitteker24-Nov-2012 22:43
Great that you could capture this in your mirror. Is this a wild horse? Sure looks like one, but then everything looks wet in Ireland.
Terry Bowker23-Nov-2012 20:50
OK.... WOW! _V_!
Tony Griffen12-Apr-2011 18:49
All he's missing is a horn on the forehead... At the first glance, I was sure it was a dream-like shot of a unicorn. Well done!
Stuart Smith22-Aug-2010 03:02
Love this shot!
Guest 14-Aug-2009 12:12
Toutes les photos de cette galerie mériteraient un vote, mais celle-ci est tout à fait impressionnante par son originalité et sa qualité d'exécution! Un petit bijou de cliché! Mon vote assurément!
Stephanie10-Aug-2009 12:42
Artist06-Aug-2009 06:59
urs27-Jul-2009 21:31
That is an incredible picture, Bartosz. Seeing the horse in the back mirror, his mane waving in the wind, is simply outstanding. Big V
Guest 19-Jul-2009 13:38
just great !!!!
Guest 15-Jul-2009 00:52
Was he hitchiking?
LynnH24-Jun-2009 11:29
Wow Bartosz, this is just awesome. The stormy sky and light make it look a bit like a ghost horse. Well done. Vote!
GeneWard11-Jun-2009 20:25
I like the composition, it really stands out as unusual and creative
cits_4_pets06-May-2009 17:25
Great framing and capture. V
John Cravatta12-Mar-2009 01:50
Martha Albuquerque27-Feb-2009 15:19
WOW!! :) Greatly framed!
Guest 27-Jan-2009 02:50
Incredible! Very original and so well composed. V.
Robert Charity14-Jan-2009 11:37
great idea, v
Nicki Thurgar13-Jan-2009 20:40
Oh wow, this is fabulous! Well caught indeed!
Jean Chiasson13-Jan-2009 02:01
Wow great image and comp vote
Guest 13-Jan-2009 01:01
Thierry Lucas11-Dec-2008 21:09
excellent. V
Lisa04-Dec-2008 15:49
This one is simply amazing. The look on the horse's face and the blowing mane all captured brilliantly in the side mirror. It looks like he doesn't want you to leave :)
silvia marmori28-Nov-2008 13:42
great frame and such lovely subject.. its winter coat!
Barb25-Nov-2008 12:49
Like your comp very creative. See the horse has it winter coat. V
Joanne Kamo25-Nov-2008 11:48
How cool and unusual! Terrific image!! V
Gus Rosenfeld24-Nov-2008 20:23
The rear-view-mirror shot is a common challenge; and, I know I've shot many ;-) This one sets the bar, or lab-standard so to speak. Everything about this image is superb. The impact for me, I think more than anything, is the mood of combined mystery and tranquility that transforms into majesty. Synergy frees this one from the class of novelty, to the open range of true art. g
Chris Spracklen24-Nov-2008 20:05
Superbly done!
I like it a lot. (V)
Best regards, Chris
Bill Warren22-Nov-2008 15:12
Great mirror shot. V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther19-Nov-2008 11:08
Fantastic idea! Lovely colors! V
shatterbug19-Nov-2008 03:15
Good choice of dof, and center composition works well with this framing!
john savage19-Nov-2008 01:24
Great shot. V
Alain Boussac18-Nov-2008 16:00
A very beautiful and great picture, and this nice horse seems to wait for you, Bartosz ! VBV.
Tom Munson17-Nov-2008 22:30
Cool shot, Very creative. v
Johnny JAG17-Nov-2008 21:06
Robin Reid16-Nov-2008 23:30
I like your technique here.
rocky16-Nov-2008 15:07
As if to say, "What, you're not leaving already?" "You just got here!"
CM Kwan16-Nov-2008 09:04
Amazing idea and wonderful capture, Bartosz! V
Keith O'Brien15-Nov-2008 19:57
Clever shot, well spotted! V
Nick Powell05-Nov-2008 19:53
Well seen and captured! V
Guest 05-Nov-2008 02:24
Very cool shot. Super light, beautiful animal. V
Carol Rollins03-Nov-2008 13:09
Fabulous! Absolutely fabulous! V
Kathy Pedersen03-Nov-2008 12:55
What a fantastic reflection of this beautiful horse. The contrasting color of the background are very pleasing. Nice job framing the subject with the mirror!
Guest 02-Nov-2008 07:04
Love the color combinations and perspective. -v
Bianca Celot01-Nov-2008 11:43
Amazing! Big Big Vote!
Jim Coffman01-Nov-2008 02:11
This is excellent!! BV
waterfalls man29-Oct-2008 23:59
Excellent shot
mathilda williams29-Oct-2008 03:19
a wonderful portrait. voted.
Giancarlo Guzzardi26-Oct-2008 07:11
really beautiful and original capture
Sergio Pessolano26-Oct-2008 04:08
Clever work. V.
Simon Chandler25-Oct-2008 23:54
Amazing work. A very unique frame within a frame composition with beautiful lighting and tone. v
Marco Valk25-Oct-2008 18:08
very creative shot; well done; gmv
Barb25-Oct-2008 17:43
Nice work with the mirror. V
Bryan Murahashi25-Oct-2008 17:03
Fantastic and creative capture of this beautiful horse. V
January Grey03-Oct-2008 05:49
A clever composition! Great shot! V~
Guest 10-Sep-2008 23:24
spectacular . . .
Marcia Rules05-Sep-2008 00:15
Thomas25-Jul-2008 18:04
what a great idea! haven't seen such a horse!
Guest 10-Jul-2008 22:16
great shot! fabulous focus

love the way the horse gaze at you on the mirror
Stacy Jon Peterson10-Jul-2008 18:07
"Objects in mirror are closer than they appear..." !!! Love the colors and framing effect!
Alina08-Jul-2008 22:38
Fantastic captue Bartosz! v
Martin Schiff20-Jun-2008 04:31
Nicely seen.
Petros Labrakos06-Jun-2008 15:28
wonderful frame!
Mattias Backström03-Jun-2008 23:01
Such a cute little poser :) I wonder what he/she was thinking when you took this.
PauloCGama03-Jun-2008 21:34
fabulous and creative catch - excellent job.
Gerhard Ritsema03-Jun-2008 21:31
Sweet! Nice capture. Is it a wild horse?
Lampridis Dimitris27-May-2008 06:11
Amazing shot , nice work *****
Michele Lee14-May-2008 03:06
Fantastic shot! Super idea!!!! Huge vote!
Agnieszka 15-Apr-2008 23:13
Jestem w szoku!!! Super! Super! Ale z Ciebie zdolna Bestia!!!
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