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Bill Ewart Jr | all galleries >> Galleries >> thursday's challenge > Melted Black.jpg
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Melted Black.jpg

Black was an interesting take a photo of something that is black
or a representation of something black.
Looking around the grocery store I found blackberries, black olives,
blackeyed peas, black raspberry ice-cream, black beans, black bread,
black licorice, black sunflower seeds, black cherry soda, black pepper,
black Angus beef, Black Forest ham, and one that I almost took a shot of.. coffee! I chose to lean toward the abstract or is that more direct?..
..the crayon which a child could color all these things with!
Melted just for effect.

Here was my other represents an entire race but everybodies shadow is black!!

Olympus C-740UZ
1/30s f/3.2 at 10.9mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 10-May-2008 20:53
Very well done!! Too bad black is my favorite crayon color :(
carol j. phipps01-Jan-2007 04:44
Well done.
Guest 03-Dec-2006 01:23
Great shot, and we do have to remember that evryone have a black shadow and we all coe from the same persone (in history or origine come from africa)
Dani 10-Oct-2006 23:46
hey you should do licorice for me!!!!
Kasia Guess10-Oct-2006 08:12
you managed a great idea :-)))))
Guest 09-Oct-2006 00:14
Cool, unique take on it! Like it.
Scott Browne07-Oct-2006 20:37
I'm just now catching up with people's entries. Well done. I like the melting for effect.
Chris07-Oct-2006 12:54
And all cats are black at night! Like your choice of shot - v creative. Chris
Susan Leigh06-Oct-2006 07:55
oh clever!! creative thinking..and a very nice image!
Dave Wixx06-Oct-2006 02:59
Cool idea, nicely done. Funny when you look at all the pictures and think about what people are getting up to!!
Jen Bixler06-Oct-2006 01:17
I have this visual of you making a list while snooping around the grocery store! Never realized so many black items to buy! Love the list and love the melted crayon!
Cindi Smith05-Oct-2006 23:58
Cool idea! I love this and really stands out in this challenge!
olivier bruning05-Oct-2006 22:45
do I smell kashmir? or black afghan?
shatterbug05-Oct-2006 21:05
Clever idea, well excecuted!
wernere0105-Oct-2006 20:20
A very creative contribution. And you´ve counted all the things I didn´t have in mind (LOL).
Barbara Heide05-Oct-2006 20:07
yes! love pastels nice idea...very creative...
Michael Shpuntov05-Oct-2006 19:58
Interesting. Very creative idea for the challenge.
chrisse05-Oct-2006 19:29
Never realised you could melt them... Very creative.
Bill Warren05-Oct-2006 18:59
Why did I not think of this.
Pog Mahone05-Oct-2006 18:39
very nice indeed
Guest 05-Oct-2006 18:06
Fantastic shot.
royalld05-Oct-2006 17:31
Wow... if anyone needed an idea for this challenge they would only have to visit this page.
Well shot image and well thought-out post.
Guest 05-Oct-2006 17:08
Unique choice
very well done
Deborah Lewis05-Oct-2006 16:38
Excellent choice!
Guest 05-Oct-2006 15:59
I love the image and the words underneath - so incredibly thoughtful and cool! voted!
Jola Dziubinska05-Oct-2006 15:45
Fantastic idea, well done.
Bob B.05-Oct-2006 15:26
Very nicely done image. v
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