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Bill Ewart Jr | all galleries >> Galleries >> thursday's challenge > Down at the High School Track.jpg
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Down at the High School Track.jpg

Number 6. My first attempt at the Thurs Challenge...."stepping over the line"....I tried to get some signage of lines from around here like the ferry standby line or the bank teller's lines, but those signs all say wait for the next teller or do not leave your car unattended!!! Hmmmm, maybe I could've borrowed some DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE police crime tape!!!!
I did have this other shot of a line painter, but he was actually stepping ON the line

Olympus C-740UZ
1/60s f/4.5 at 6.3mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
john stamos 09-Mar-2009 19:19
keep your chin up u wont suck as bad next time ... hopefuly
Jen Bixler06-May-2007 23:39
As soon as I saw this I remembered it was your first Thursday entry without the reminder. Loved it then and love it now.
Laryl30-Mar-2007 17:34
well done!!
Guest 19-Jan-2007 08:20
Nice shot!
Wei O'Connell12-Oct-2006 20:54
Great first entry. Excellent composition.
Guest 30-Sep-2006 22:54
Nice shot ! Great POV
Sue Robertson29-Sep-2006 05:40
Love it.. just enough of the shoe.
shatterbug29-Sep-2006 03:55
Cool perspective!
carol j. phipps29-Sep-2006 03:34
Very nice.
Jen Bixler29-Sep-2006 00:44
Love the low PoV! Great entry!!!!
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2006 23:23
I like it! Great PoV!
wernere0128-Sep-2006 23:14
The first shoe I really like (LOL).
Guest 28-Sep-2006 23:11
Love the perspective!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:53
Good work on both! In the second one, the other guys is over the line!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:15
Excellent composition and point of view.
nordic28-Sep-2006 21:42
Like your pov!
Barbara Heide28-Sep-2006 20:32
I join Dan! do the laces..lovely shot though!
chrisse28-Sep-2006 19:43
Great first entry, love the PoV.
Michael Shpuntov28-Sep-2006 19:42
Great shot. Excellent POV
royalld28-Sep-2006 19:36
Great shot. It is just what the challenge called for. Wonderful POV.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 18:58
Nice shot, great prespective.
Zak28-Sep-2006 18:53
nice shot!
Deborah Lewis28-Sep-2006 18:33
Nice job!
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2006 18:17
Terrific shot, good pov.
laine8228-Sep-2006 17:37
I like your choices...a line is a line is a....
Guest 28-Sep-2006 17:18
Really very nice shot. Bravo
Sheila28-Sep-2006 16:27
Great angle! Cool shot.
The 2nd is great.
John Beck28-Sep-2006 16:27
Very good!! I really like the perspective of shooting low. Well done.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 16:27
Wonderful low perspective. Vote
J. Scott Coile28-Sep-2006 16:10
Great perspective. Looks like work ahead ;)
Guest 28-Sep-2006 15:26
Great perspective!
Eckhart Derschmidt28-Sep-2006 15:23
Lol at Dan's comment! Well done!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Sep-2006 15:14
Quite unique pov :)
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 14:39
This works just fine.
I'd tie those laces again
so you don't TRIP over the line!
: )
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