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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Daily Showing > If I had a hammer
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If I had a hammer

It’s my entry for the Thursday 3/1/07 challenge.

If your only tool is a sledge hammer…maybe best if I stay out of the kitchen. A bit more fruit and or vegetable torture I’m exposing you to this week.

If you enjoy my efforts at manipulating light, I have a new gallery called Gilding the lily which you may enjoy.

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virginiacoastline04-Mar-2007 02:18
poor little kiwi
Rose Atkinson02-Mar-2007 23:08
Great shot !
Guest 02-Mar-2007 18:36
Great action shot! Did you eat the remains afterwards?!
CJ Burianek02-Mar-2007 17:56
Nice action...
I'm deathly allergic to kiwi so glad that is in your kitchen and not mine... you can beat it all you want though ;)
Tim van Woensel02-Mar-2007 09:38
What a waste of that wonderful fruit. Nicely done though.
Laryl02-Mar-2007 05:29
great job!!
Wei O'Connell02-Mar-2007 03:28
Smash, smash... Great shot and treatment.
Guest 02-Mar-2007 02:59
Gallagher started this way, you know.
Pathfinder02-Mar-2007 02:38
The shotgun of tools- you only have to hit in the general area ;-)
Guest 02-Mar-2007 02:26
Cute one! Very creative, and yes, you best stay away from the kitchen!!!
Dave Wixx02-Mar-2007 01:52
Cool shot.
Remind me not to come round when your cooking! Would you like a Chianti with that!!??
Dan Chusid01-Mar-2007 21:28
Trying out for your own fruit & mallet show?
J. Scott Coile01-Mar-2007 21:25
Mini Gallager ;-)
Michael Shpuntov01-Mar-2007 20:41
Smack. Love the implied movement. And this little number on the side. Make it even better.
Guest 01-Mar-2007 20:34
Oooppss :) smashing the kiwi? Hehe! Love the color of the handle.. yellow. The motion too is amazing. Vote.
Bob Floyd01-Mar-2007 20:13
The Kiwi police are on line 1, Bill. They would like to have a word with you... :-)
Jola Dziubinska01-Mar-2007 20:07
Strong shot!!
Guest 01-Mar-2007 18:54
Excellent entry,Bill,love the movement!
Guest 01-Mar-2007 18:19
It make great kiwi "purée"
Carole Stevens01-Mar-2007 17:05
Best yet; love the movement and what did that kiwi do to you!V!
Barbara Heide01-Mar-2007 12:54
taht's easy! always the strongs against the weaks...
Guest 01-Mar-2007 11:39
ewwwwwwwwww ick - that poor poor kiwi!
Lee Rudd01-Mar-2007 11:19
lol thats gotta smart!
Faye White01-Mar-2007 11:13
Yvonne01-Mar-2007 11:11
:) poor little kiwi fruit! Stunning shot Bill!
Renee Lockett01-Mar-2007 11:07
Ouch! Also works well on the morning alarm clock. :-)
Guest 01-Mar-2007 11:01
a hammer in the morning, etc, powerful image, excellent,love the movement.
Maaike Huizer01-Mar-2007 09:49
Oh, this is great. I love the movement.
beverley harrison01-Mar-2007 09:24
what did that kiwi EVER do to you!!
Azlin Ahmad01-Mar-2007 06:57
This is unsual and cruel punishment for vegetables! I would hate to see what this baby sledge hammer can do once it grows up!
j>a>e>17 :):):)01-Mar-2007 06:21
I'm calling the Veggiefruity Abuse Hotline right this very second!!!
chrisse01-Mar-2007 05:50
Oh the poor kiwi... You really need to get your kitchen tools sorted out !
Love the movement here btw.
Fong Lam01-Mar-2007 05:34
Kiwifruit says "Ouch !!!" Nice entry, Bill
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