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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 123: The Blue Hour (hosted by MCsaba) >> Challenge 123: Eligible > edit image
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28-JUL-2006 Jerry Curtis

Dr. Hook
by Jerry Curtis

The Ray Sawyer "Dr. Hook" came to St John's' George Street Festival last night and put off one blast of a show,
thrilling the all-ages audience with old 60's and 70's rock favourites, like Sylvia's Mother, and many other of their long string of hits from that period.

No pp except cropping and a little sharpening.

Many more faces of Dr. Hook here about 2/3 down the page:

Sony DSC-V1
1/160s f/4.0 at 28.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Katherine Stanback's Photos05-Aug-2006 03:32
Great shot - I like the smoke and the blue lighting!
Denise30-Jul-2006 02:32
Excellent Jerry, I love the blue smoke!!! It is a tough color to photograph when you are shooting concerts. Made me crazy back in the day. You did a great job.