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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSC-V1

Sony DSC-V1 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 24-Feb-2003
Megapixels: 5
Random Sony DSC-V1 Samples from 16424 available Photos more
u39/shednet/medium/25407399.DSC00223.jpg v3/37/458437/3/44379633.DSC01222.jpg g3/06/371906/3/58735663.Graceetal007.jpg u49/markpirlo/medium/34850216.D9MS2P081.jpg
u40/pagantsai/medium/26321001.DSC01659.jpg g6/74/9074/3/75483979.Yt54QUA2.jpg u49/helenpb/medium/35861528.DSC09426copy.jpg g4/38/7738/3/62938625.RYsySsZI.jpg
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Barry Liimakka23-Dec-2007 15:48
My DSV-1 hss served me well in the 4 1/2 years I've had it. In it's day, it was a very highly rated camera on dpreview. I've never been disappointed in my purchase.

For a digital P&S, it's amazingly full-featured and this gives you a great deal of latitude in how you use the camera. I'm also impressed with how rugged the DSV-1 is. I've had it out in extreme heat and bitter cold, and it holds up well. Of course one has to be careful in these situations and I've had occassion when the camera suddenly stops working in light drizzle or intense dusty wind. But with a little TLC, my Sony always bounces back to life.

Sony even had some accessories such as a WA lens which I purchase and make good use of until I drop the lens and dink the thread so that I can't attach it to the camera anymore.

Most recently, I have my DSV-1 with me in Costa del Sol Spain where I shoot a wonderful series of images standing in the water holding the camera just a couple of inches off of the water while the waves come rolling in. I guess I was giving the Sony a chance to die a warriors death in the line of fire, but I never cease to be amazed at what this little camera can do. ( gallery at: )

I'd suggest that anyone looking for a digital P&S camera consider looking at the Sony line of cameras as my experience with this camera has been that of a very satisfied owner.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 18:41
This is a great little camera. picked it up secondhand from Ebay. It does Infrared very nicely, but it is also good as a "normal" camera. Lots of nice features.
Guest 19-Apr-2005 02:35
Sorry, heres the IR photos I've taken with my Sony V1, I forgot above. Fun camera and it fits in my purse.
Guest 19-Apr-2005 02:33
I would like to add a few links to my Sony V1 galleries. Its a fabulous camera, including IR ability. I will always keep it and use it. Such clarity and color that rivals my canon 20D! (sorry, I don't have a pbase payed account)

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