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Sony Forums Challenges | profile | all galleries >> Challenge 123: The Blue Hour (hosted by MCsaba) >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Challenge 123: Eligible | Challenge 123: Exhibition | Challenge 123: Samples | Challenge 123: Demo Folder | Eligible Hits | Exhibition Hits

Challenge 123: Eligible

The Eligible gallery is for photos that follow two simple guidelines:
* The photo is to be taken with a Sony, Minolta or Konica Minolta brand digital camera.
* The photo is to be taken during the Challenge time period.

Challenge information and guidelines can be viewed in the Sony Talk Forum >> HERE <<

Illustrated upload instructions can be viewed in the How to Upload to STF Challenges gallery.

Periodically updated hit counts for your entries can be accessed via the main gallery.

1st: Bottle Detailby Ela
1st: Bottle Detail
by Ela
2nd: Wrought Iron Art
2nd: Wrought Iron Art
3rd: Medieval Light
3rd: Medieval Light
by arra
4th: Lavender Blue Waterlily
4th: Lavender Blue Waterlily
by Denise
5th: Haven
5th: Haven
6th: Max's big blue feather
6th: Max's big blue feather
by Katherine Stanback's Photos
7th: Feelin' Blueby Accady
7th: Feelin' Blue
by Accady
8th: Blueby Nifty
8th: Blue
by Nifty
9th: In the Shadow of Patriotism
9th: In the Shadow of Patriotism
by Helen Betts
10th (tie): My new blue belt
10th (tie): My new blue belt
by Katherine Stanback's Photos
10th (tie):Identity
10th (tie):"Identity"
Blue onionby Carmel
Blue onion
by Carmel
Russian Church in Londonby Carmel
Russian Church in London
by Carmel
Red, White and Blue
Red, White and Blue
by Helen Betts
One Way?
One Way?
by Helen Betts
It's going to rain
It's going to rain
by Katherine Stanback's Photos
My favourite bookstore by Tabrizi
My favourite bookstore by Tabrizi
Chief Martindale Diner  by inframan
Chief Martindale Diner
by inframan
Jimmy Mack's Polar Bar
Jimmy Mack's Polar Bar
I love DENIM
I love DENIM
Most Hated Blue ;-)by Franky2005
Most Hated Blue ;-)
by Franky2005
Blue Crossing  by Franky2005
Blue Crossing
by Franky2005
glowpig *  by photocat37
glowpig *
by photocat37
R57by robotman aka inframan
by robotman aka inframan
 Ancient Grace
" Ancient Grace "
Ping Pong Table
Ping Pong Table
by jeffryz
Not Blue
Not Blue
by John Dunn
Tropical Blue*
Tropical Blue*
by Justin Miller
Blue Crystal Lotus
Blue Crystal Lotus
by Denise
Every One Matters by Tabrizi
Every One Matters by Tabrizi
Blu Vue  by Harvey Rawn
Blu Vue
by Harvey Rawn
Impossible is nothing by Tabrizi
Impossible is nothing by Tabrizi
Dr. Hook
Dr. Hook
by Jerry Curtis
My favorite shirt *
My favorite shirt *
by Jeffrey Lewis Knapp
Blue Swirl
Blue Swirl
Buddy Wasisname
Buddy Wasisname
by Jerry Curtis
Cadzand Lighthouseby oVan
Cadzand Lighthouse
by oVan
Inside Out
Inside Out
by Carmen
Gallery closed, please vote  (not for voting)
Gallery closed, please vote
(not for voting)