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Steven Noyes | all galleries >> Galleries >> Stitched Panoramic Images > Rapeseed Panoramic : Week 5
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Summer 2004 Steven Noyes

Rapeseed Panoramic : Week 5

England (Tring)

This is another panoramic shot from Jolly Ol' England and a rapeseed field. Interspersed within this field are thousands of red poppies but they are a bit small for the limited resolution of this image. the original 82MP image, however, shows them very well.

There were two issues with this stitch. The first was the high winds that made getting good seems on the trees difficult. The second was my fault. There were many clouds moving in the area and I did not pay close enough attention while taking the 28 images and had some HUGE brightness differences.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
This is a crop of a 2X14 image stitch. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Eric03-Mar-2005 15:32
Nice blue sky, but a bit heavy-handed with your masking. The tops of the trees exhibit a darkening. I'd finesse that a bit more.
Great composition!
Steven Noyes29-Jul-2004 03:41
THere. The purple sky is gone. Good catch.
Steven Noyes27-Jul-2004 14:50
You know something... You are so right. I was so concerned with the WB of the field that I forgot about the WB of the sky. It was in very different light because of the clouds/Sun and such. I am working on that right now.

John 26-Jul-2004 18:45
Nice composition, but the purple sky totally ruins this shot.

Make it a nice blue and the image will be excellent.