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Steven Noyes | all galleries >> Galleries >> Grand Canyon > Cedar Ridge : Week 4
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Fall 2004 Steven Noyes

Cedar Ridge : Week 4

Grand Canyon

This is another shot of the Cedar Ridge off of the South Kiabab Trail in the Grand Canyon. This is the shot I went down to take and was amazingly disappointed with it. I think I will have to go back down and try again. The couple standing out at the end of the point are overlooking the Colorado River and wondering if the hike they are doing is really a good idea. It is still along way down.

This is an example where there are two competing foreground elements and it just doesn't quite work.


Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
This is a 12X3 ultra high resolution pano. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Steven Noyes21-Oct-2004 18:23
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I think there is a much much better shot from this vantage and I will have to go down and find it again.
Guest 19-Oct-2004 21:14
Yes, perhaps these foreground elements are competing, but this is a marvellous shot all the same- a lot of Grand Canyon shots suffer from a lack foreground interest and washed out/hazy colours. The saturated foreground rocks here appear really well against the hazirt/bluer background. And your stitching technique and sharpening are as usual, top drawer.