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Steven Noyes | all galleries >> Galleries >> High Resolution Mosaics > Baumann Park : Week 1
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Spring 2004 Steven Noyes

Baumann Park : Week 1

Rockford, il

I took this while on a 2 month business trip in the Northern Il. area (Rockford actually). I had my dog with me and went on 3 nice walks a day with her. One of her favorite places is a park in Cherry Valley called Baumann Park. This is a rather large community lake forming a 1.33 mile walking/running path and tons of open areas to play soccer. On one day, there was absolutely no wind at all forming the smoothest lake reflections I had ever seen.

The bad thing is that is was very over-cast and not very pretty (like it was for almost 6 weeks). I did like the symmetry on this shot, however.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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