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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 1D

Canon EOS 1D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Dec-2001
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 4.15
Random Canon EOS 1D Samples from 102906 available Photos more
g6/31/550631/3/82047656.EDRSTWvu.jpg g1/09/515909/3/103678243.0HpesfAt.jpg g1/09/17009/3/128963503.rH8mIUKg.jpg g1/07/574207/3/103291144.InrlhWhi.jpg
g1/35/283435/3/105948678.DG81ezNf.jpg o6/33/108833/1/141613950.NCSEzcGO.605B8713.jpg g1/09/17009/3/128937273.wQwbYEwX.jpg u6/thomasef/medium/37709930.100EOS1D3D9F1755_3D9F1755y.jpg
u14/ageorge/medium/41779688.73DG4091_base.jpg g1/53/970753/3/131477704.88kZyhsJ.jpg g1/18/553318/3/103312133.Qro7iwBn.jpg g1/09/17009/3/128718375.R2KKNo6f.jpg

Guest 29-May-2006 09:19
Grande fotocamera !!
Nonostante i suoi anni produce degli ottimi files, darebbe ancora del filo da torcere alle più moderne.
Non riesco a separarmene.
Ed16-Dec-2004 16:00
Canons first homegrown Digital SLR - a legend in its own time
Beautifully crafted using all the best features of the 1v

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