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Steven Jusczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> natural imaging 4 > temptation
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Donald Verger23-Jun-2006 09:11
very nice image! tempting...
Guest 23-Jun-2006 05:30
Dreamy and abstract. Nice.
Cindi Smith23-Jun-2006 02:17
Does it bite? Great soft image!
Guest 23-Jun-2006 01:20
Stunning, Steven. A very dreamy image. Love how you managed this shallow DOF and how you composed the image.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 21:49
soft and pretty
Jessica McCollum22-Jun-2006 21:46
So beautiful and elegant! Great shot!
shatterbug22-Jun-2006 21:28
Beautiful, Steven! Well done!
Nicki Thurgar22-Jun-2006 20:12
Lovely shot - is it a foxglove?
Johnny JAG22-Jun-2006 19:06
Very nicely done.
Lee Rudd22-Jun-2006 18:36
open wide!
J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2006 18:14
Orchid??? Wonderful upward abstraction Steven!
Scott Browne22-Jun-2006 17:23
It's peeking at me! Very cool.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 12:26
Great abstract
Sheila22-Jun-2006 11:02
Like a little alien inside the Foxglove! Lovely, Steven.
Yvonne22-Jun-2006 10:44
Looks like a pair of green eyes looking down at me! Great shot!
laine8222-Jun-2006 10:00
Lovely lovely lovely !!!
Jola Dziubinska22-Jun-2006 08:43
Love the pastels, very mysterious capture :)
purpod22-Jun-2006 08:28
Wow! How appealing is this? I'd be all over it if I were a worker bee. Xllnt shot Steve! GMVE
beverley harrison22-Jun-2006 07:00
oooo a foxglove? beautifully soft!!
Knox O22-Jun-2006 06:49
is it alive?
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