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Steven Jusczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> natural imaging 4 > lightwater
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Wei O'Connell28-Jun-2006 02:51
Beautiful abstract. voted.
J. Scott Coile25-Jun-2006 00:45
Guest 24-Jun-2006 14:57
One of your most beautiful image of light on water, Steven.
Love that combination of yellow and white.
And the very special feel of motion (slow exposure?)
De'Carr Studio24-Jun-2006 13:19
Makes a beautiful abstract
laine8224-Jun-2006 13:13
It's easy to feel the movement of light & shadow.
purpod24-Jun-2006 06:34
Interesting light & shadow play; is this really running water? The bright streaks of golden light really add to this shot; Nice, Steve ~
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