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Wei O'Connell28-Jun-2006 02:50
Excellent shot and title. Beautiful lighting. voted.
Bryan Murahashi26-Jun-2006 15:04
Excellent shot and title. GMV.
Guest 26-Jun-2006 00:20
Fabulous shot, great title too, GMV!
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik25-Jun-2006 22:33
Terrific work! VOTE Sandy
fred_il25-Jun-2006 19:07
Great shot!
Guest 25-Jun-2006 16:08
A jewel, Steven. A jewel of light. Wonderful.
Guest 25-Jun-2006 15:35
Very very nice!
markvm25-Jun-2006 15:24
Kinda looks like something Carl Sagan would have appreciated. Very nice.
Jola Dziubinska25-Jun-2006 12:31
Lovely jewels.
Craig Persel25-Jun-2006 10:54
Very nice.
purpod25-Jun-2006 07:23
Talk about a capture! Xllnt, Steve; I think this is one of your best! GMV2
shatterbug25-Jun-2006 05:38
Wow! Incredible shot! Vote.
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