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Peter Hollinger | all galleries >> [ Nature ] >> [ Bugs ] >> Arachnids > Female Deer Tick
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26-MAR-2006 Peter Hollinger

Female Deer Tick

Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge

Ixodes scapularis
This carrier of Lyme disease is one "bug" I'm afraid of.
The male is smaller and lacks the red abdomen:

other sizes: small medium original auto
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tamater 12-Dec-2006 15:02
That does look pretty freaky... I wonder if the tick is trying to bite him???
Karen Leaf31-Mar-2006 12:33
nasty nasty nasty.
I hate'm.
Guest 31-Mar-2006 11:34
Lyme disease can be a pretty awful experience. You're pretty brave holding this little tick...
Peter Hollinger31-Mar-2006 04:01
It needs more than moisturizer. I'll try to schedule my manicure for before I go out in the woods...
Guest 31-Mar-2006 03:54
Even though I hate ticks...Great photo & detail. I have to agree with the moisturiser comment, LOL.
Guest 31-Mar-2006 03:35
I hate those things. A real deterant for going to the woods.
noearlybird31-Mar-2006 03:33
WONDERFUL picture. The finger needs some moisturizer! Kathie
Graham Tomlin31-Mar-2006 03:08
good picture regards helen