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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 150mm f/2.8 APO EX DG Macro HSM

Sigma 150mm f/2.8 APO EX DG Macro HSM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 10-Sep-2004
Lens: 150mm f/2.8
Random Sigma 150mm f/2.8 APO EX DG Macro HSM Samples from 10115 available Photos more
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Mike Boatner22-Jun-2011 20:05
Lots of bang for the buck, handy to have!
Jan Søgaard08-Aug-2009 08:08
I think this optik is excellent and very sharp, but it is to short for my pictures, but you have to go very close to the motif and that is not always possible.
edmundli02-Oct-2008 13:53
I love this lens as well. You can have a look in the gallery. Did anyone have any experience using the teleconvter or extention tube?
Guest 30-Jul-2008 17:46
More Sigma 150mm f/2.8 macro for Nikon samples and full-sized images at :>
Norman Day17-Apr-2008 16:28
Unquestionably the best macro lens available, it produces fantastic results with my Olympus E-300 and E-510. Well done Sigma!
Guest 17-Mar-2008 05:28
A very versatile lens for portraiture and macros / closeups. I sold off my Nikon 105mm VR lens and bought the Sigma 150mm f/2.8 instead. My photos are at :>
Guest 19-Oct-2006 03:10
Great lens.
Guest 30-May-2006 17:38
Geart Macro lens but as a prime for portraits its flawed. The AutoFocus is not stable, many pictures taken wide open end up just slightly out of focus. Read more and see test shoots at:
Guest 26-Apr-2006 01:06
This might be the sharpest, most accurate, most distortion-free lens I own, beating out several Canon L lenses. Superb manufacturing, quality, and nearly silent focusing. Absolutely marvellous.

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