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Sam Rua | all galleries >> New Mexico >> New Mexico's Rio Grande > Telescope Sunset
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11 October 2013 Sam Rua

Telescope Sunset

Magdalena, NM

Isolating one of the 27 radio telescopes at the Very Large Array.
I did clone out some utility lines that were in front of the telescope.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Stephanie29-Oct-2013 22:53
Awesome lighting here!!!! This is fascinating Sam! V
SLC_Images29-Oct-2013 03:44
Excellent job with this one once again Sam- Love the sunset tone and lighting! VT!!!
Will Hoskins29-Oct-2013 03:42
They're all great, Sam, but this one is just spectacular. V
larose forest photos29-Oct-2013 02:37
Simply amazing photography. It is stunning work. V
Hank Vander Velde29-Oct-2013 02:36
BEAUTIFUL, well captured, super light and nicely composed Sam.
Marcia Rules26-Oct-2013 09:56
just perfect
Neil Marcus26-Oct-2013 01:41
This whole series is impressive and enlightening to most of us..including me.
Ken Duckert25-Oct-2013 11:20
Very nicely done Sam! Very powerful image. Well done!
Helen Betts19-Oct-2013 06:41
Wow, most creative framing of the setting sun! A very dramatic and well captured image, Sam. V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)19-Oct-2013 05:51
Speachless,masterfully done.VVVVV
Bryan Murahashi19-Oct-2013 04:24
Awesome capture, Sam.
Guest 19-Oct-2013 00:34
Looks like it's getting ready for liftoff. Cool photo.
Jean Chiasson19-Oct-2013 00:24
Wonderful image colors Sam vote
woody3419-Oct-2013 00:16
Whoa, those amazing colours, fantastic image...V
Char18-Oct-2013 23:51
This is fantastic, Sam!
Jerry Pillarelli18-Oct-2013 22:20
Great shot Sam!
Kim18-Oct-2013 21:15
Fantastic image! V
Jean D18-Oct-2013 20:10
Excellent creativity. ~V
godro18-Oct-2013 19:27
Nice compo, well done!
Ken Chambers ARPS18-Oct-2013 18:53
With Halloween approaching, it does make me think of a Witches Cauldron.
Wonderful picture Sam
Colin Storey18-Oct-2013 18:37
Amazing image, perfect timing and positioning. v
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)18-Oct-2013 17:05
Sam, what a fantastic image. Everything is so perfect. Well seen. V.
Guest 18-Oct-2013 16:48
Very cool shot. Best J
bill friedlander18-Oct-2013 15:02
Looks like a wok on a burner! Wonderful intense tones! V
globalgadabout18-Oct-2013 14:15
gorgeous gilded scene with an inspired alignment...super shot Sam...V...
Neil Marcus18-Oct-2013 14:08
The "pot is boiling". Good shot!
Carol Rollins18-Oct-2013 13:24
Fantastic!! ~
Tom LeRoy18-Oct-2013 13:10
Superb shot, Sam. Reminds me a little of a Mars landing.... V
Pete Hemington18-Oct-2013 07:50
Thats a fantastic juxaposition
Dougie Young18-Oct-2013 07:31
Cracking shot Sam.......Love it..:>ote
Blandine Mangin18-Oct-2013 07:26
superb !! v
Carol How18-Oct-2013 06:00
A stunning image Sam! V
fotabug18-Oct-2013 05:53
Wow, what a great shot! It looks like it is on fire! V
joseantonio18-Oct-2013 04:05
Excellent timing and composition.V.
Guest 18-Oct-2013 03:11
Way to cool, what a wonderful perspective, well done Sam.
Jim Coffman18-Oct-2013 02:57
Wow,this is really great,Sam!!
Raymond Ma18-Oct-2013 02:49
Beautiful golden spectral tones and as if the telescope is bursting into flames. V
LynnH18-Oct-2013 02:08
Great idea and execution. Looks like a cauldron on the fire. V
FrankB18-Oct-2013 01:55
great setup....astute planning since it could not have been just fortuitous!....+V
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