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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Flash Photography >> Ooohhh.... Ahhhhh..... > Balloon Festival Fireworks
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12 October 2013 Sam Rua

Balloon Festival Fireworks

Albuquerque, NM

One of the displays from the last "After Glow" fireworks show from the 2013 Albuquerque International Balloon Festival. Without
a doubt, this fireworks show was the best I have ever witnessed in my life. The number of shells they put up was fantastic, and
then they started a different display / volley on the west end of the field and then switched back to the north end for the finale.

This is a single 3 second exposure with no special processing other than the large crop for comp.
Timing is everything when it comes to fireworks. It helps to have some luck as well.

Click on the image below for a larger view of another display from the show:

Canon EOS 5D Mark III ,Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM II
tripod, remote cable release, significant crop for comp full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Claude Gagnon12-Nov-2013 13:28
Outstanding :)) V
Dougie Young20-Oct-2013 21:38
Beautifully captured..:>
Guest 19-Oct-2013 00:34
Love it. So wonderful that you caught them so cleanly.
Carol Rollins18-Oct-2013 13:23
I love how they appear to be just floating up there! Super shot, Sam. ~
Hank Vander Velde17-Oct-2013 23:36
Fantastic shot of these beautiful fireworks Sam.
woody3417-Oct-2013 23:17
What an amazing colour show, wonderful capture...V
janescottcumming17-Oct-2013 22:37
Such a great job capturing this. Must have been loud! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Oct-2013 18:52
Ken Chambers ARPS17-Oct-2013 17:54
Superb display Sam
Helen Betts17-Oct-2013 17:19
Wow, superb display and capture of it! There are six bursts all at once, yet the effect to me is very minimalistic, which I find quite appealing. V.
bill friedlander17-Oct-2013 16:05
Great timing to catch this wonderful design! Super camera work! V
Neil Marcus17-Oct-2013 15:45
Delicacy and composition. superb."V"
Char17-Oct-2013 15:13
Wonderful in every way! \/
Guest 17-Oct-2013 13:58
Superb image of these brilliant fireworks...
pkocinski17-Oct-2013 13:24
I like these :-)
Colin Storey17-Oct-2013 10:00
Fantastic fireworks image. v
Guest 17-Oct-2013 07:11
both are beautiful and excellent Sam.
fotabug17-Oct-2013 05:39
Wow, what an awesome image! V
Raymond Ma17-Oct-2013 05:05
You timed it beautifully and the pattern is so elegant and photogenic. ~V~
Bryan Murahashi17-Oct-2013 04:45
Fantastic colors and sharpness, Sam. Excellent photo. V
joseantonio17-Oct-2013 04:06
Gorgeous image. Love that heart in the air.V.
Jim Coffman17-Oct-2013 03:02
Pretty darn awesome!
larose forest photos17-Oct-2013 03:01
Impressive and beautiful shots!! VV
Will Hoskins17-Oct-2013 02:46
Timing is almost everything. Knowing the right ISO and f-stop is important too. Awesome fireworks shot, Sam. V
globalgadabout17-Oct-2013 02:34
splayed, spritely, and enchanting...your timing was spot n here...V
SLC_Images17-Oct-2013 02:19
Outstanding once again, Sam! VT!!
Jeff Real17-Oct-2013 02:16
you have made an awesome photograph from a difficult subject. ~V~
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet17-Oct-2013 02:13
Wow! Excellent capture.
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