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Sam Rua | all galleries >> New Mexico >> New Mexico's Rio Grande > Dawn Patrol
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12 October 2013 Sam Rua

Dawn Patrol

Albuquerque, NM view map

The only shot I got of the Dawn Patrol lift-off, where a few select balloons with special
navigational lighting take off a bit before dawn. I had planned on getting to the field in
plenty of time, but the Balloon Festival traffic was horrendous (yes, even at 5 am) and it
took over an hour to get from the freeway exit to the parking lot. This shot was taken as
soon as I parked, and before I got everyone unloaded.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III ,Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 L IS USM
1/50s f/8.0 at 285.0mm iso2500, hand held, cropped for comp full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dougie Young20-Oct-2013 21:40
Great catch, love that deep blue sky..:>ote
janescottcumming20-Oct-2013 01:25
Great job! Such a rich blue sky and what a wonderful balloon. V
bill friedlander19-Oct-2013 17:32
Perfectly done! Very sharp and terrific light! V
globalgadabout19-Oct-2013 16:04
sharp the spectral balloon..
Char19-Oct-2013 12:30
This is an amazing capture, Sam! Wonderful shot! \/
Guest 19-Oct-2013 10:46
Fantastic shot, Sam!
Anitta19-Oct-2013 10:45
Maybe the only shot, but such a fabulous catch. I can only imagine, how frustrating to stuck in the traffic! V
Blandine Mangin19-Oct-2013 07:10
une très belle prise dans des conditions visiblement difficiles ! bravo ! v
Bryan Murahashi19-Oct-2013 04:23
Great shot of this Halloween balloon. Yes, that traffic story brought back some miserable memories.
joseantonio19-Oct-2013 04:08
Fascinating image. Very nice capture.V
Jim Coffman19-Oct-2013 01:47
You managed a great image, Sam!!
Neil Marcus19-Oct-2013 01:23
Delightful. i can imagine when children see it what the reaction is.
Ali Majdfar19-Oct-2013 01:23
Stunning capture! ~V
Jeff Real19-Oct-2013 01:09
This looks amazing in the night ~V~
Long Bach Nguyen19-Oct-2013 00:53
awesome shot, love the lighting and sharpness of the image
Guest 19-Oct-2013 00:33
Worthy! A great one to catch. I heard traffic in Albuquerque can be really bad.
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