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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Waterscapes Gallery >> More Waterscapes > Fog Lifting Over Canyon Lake 82013
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Fog Lifting Over Canyon Lake 82013

Salt River

Photographed along the Apache Trail in the Tonto National Forest east of Apache Junction, Arizona USA.

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Guest 22-Feb-2008 03:33
Lovely capture Gordon beautiful lighting. There are some really different interesting images in your galleries and it is nice and refreshing. Well done Cheers Kylie
Carol Rollins21-Feb-2008 12:57
This is beautiful Gordon. Wonderful capture of nature's supreme beauty. V
Guest 13-Feb-2008 11:06
an amazing , wonderful image.
Treas13-Feb-2008 04:22
Very special indeed. Lovely and peaceful.
Sandi Whitteker13-Feb-2008 02:35
Fabulous Gordon. A beautiful view anyway, but the reflection and low hanging clouds make it very special.