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JW | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> Galleries By Subject >> Places > Facade
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Highworth, Wiltshire

The other side:

From my
Places gallery.

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Andrew Cornick12-Dec-2006 11:19
I've been thinking about photographing this for a while! Nice toning John, works really well.
laine8223-Jun-2006 18:22
Oh you have a BIG meccano set ;>)
Robin Reid23-Jun-2006 14:45
Clearly nothing to hide behind.
Guest 23-Jun-2006 12:50
Great. My turn to say "I've passed it a million times"!
Scott Browne23-Jun-2006 12:24
Nice image and treatment. From the thumbnail, it looks like the front of an old West town.