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JW | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> My Best Pictures > Show Me The Way!
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Show Me The Way!

Barbury, WIltshire

The calendar says it's 30 years ago that Peter Frampton's live album was released,
and we had one of the hottest summers on record and I was leaving Agricultural College.

Surely some mistake? - I wish!

The tidy fields in the background are gallop strips for the local racehorses.

Early posting as out this evening. Catch you later............

From my Places gallery.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Andrew Cornick07-Nov-2006 16:24
I remember this signpost from walking the ridgeway... but I don't remember pter frampton being there!
Buz Kiefer17-Jun-2006 19:40
Wonderful image. Vote.
JeremyGood15-Jun-2006 11:13
Woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand ...
This is an awesome image! Voted.
Guest 15-Jun-2006 06:52
Who is Peter Frampton? And am I too young to remember, or so old I've forgot?!
Excellent perspective John - great image.
J. Scott Coile14-Jun-2006 18:21
Excellent composition. So complete. VoTe :)
SRW14-Jun-2006 16:20
I now feel very old...! Great shot... -- very similar landscape to here...
Cliff14-Jun-2006 15:34
Excellent find John - I love how this stands out and "directs".
Guest 14-Jun-2006 15:10
Nice shot
Robin Reid14-Jun-2006 14:41
Surely the calendar lies! ;)
Excellent shot.
Scott Browne14-Jun-2006 12:34
Great shot. Love the comp, especially seeing the fields through the cutout sign.
Guest 14-Jun-2006 11:20
perfect comp and colors.
Carole Stevens14-Jun-2006 10:27
Well spotted John! This is such a beautiful area!Thanks for sharing!
Zak14-Jun-2006 10:09
nice shot!!
Jola Dziubinska14-Jun-2006 09:35
Wonderful composition, John.
beverley harrison14-Jun-2006 07:09
this is great john!! so sharp!!
Sheila14-Jun-2006 06:55
Guest 14-Jun-2006 05:44
Real great catch !