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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Lens Sample Photos

Lens Mount: EF-S
Lens: 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5
Random Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Samples from 23183 available Photos more
g3/80/538580/3/59047437.4.21.06.jpg v3/07/529907/3/46421022.CRW_3070.jpg g3/49/749849/3/107850944.HVcBwsXI.jpg g1/37/578237/3/93196351.0WT6ydKz.jpg
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Guest 15-Dec-2009 15:16
This lens is fun to use. I had it for a trip:
Nedo Laanen02-Mar-2009 11:26
Great lens. It gives one the oppertunity to really experiment with shooting pictures.

Guest 15-Sep-2008 02:29
This is a superb lens and reason enough to go with the Canon SLR system. It is not as sharp at the long end, but I have other lenses to cover that. I tested this and wide zooms from Sigma, Tamron and Tokina wide zooms and this was more expensive but the best at full-wide.
Dan26-Mar-2008 17:50
An excellent lens
A sample gallery is at
Guest 11-Mar-2008 10:45
The widest Canon lens you can get for a 1.6x crop camera (There is also a Sigma option which is worth looking at, too). Great lens overall, but can be a bit mushy wide open. It has excellent resistance to lens flare. Use the thinnest filters you can to avoid vignetting at the 10mm end. Also,Cokin 'P' series holder and filters will cause vignetting.
Don't buy the Canon hood for it - its a waste of money. I picked up a no-name hood for it on eBay for $10 LOL
Slawek Staszczuk10-Mar-2008 17:20
I bought this lens second hand recently, in excellent condition, with mostly "landscapish" photography in mind. Thus I keep it stopped down most of the time for DoF which also serves its performance well (resolution, limits vignetting, possibly also mitigates CAs though I haven't done any comparison tests). What's noteworthy, you can get rid of CAs almost completely in PS raw plugin with no hassle (before I treated this feature as a mere gadget, never really worked ;-)). For my purposes this is a pretty good lens, I definitely don't regret the purchase.
Some landscape shots:
...and architecture in extreme perspectives:
Guest 02-Sep-2007 17:04
Andrea Bugamelli, you're advertising your gallery of macro shots. but you used a 60mm macro lens >.>
Guest 08-Aug-2007 23:53
While it can be put to creative and effective use, a lack of sharpness haunts this lens, even when stopped down. This can prove frustrating for discerning photogs.
Guest 16-Jan-2007 09:29
Very nice lens! Super sharp, I really like it used as portrait lens, not only for macro!
You can do incredible things!
Look here to check what you can do without using very sofisticate tools...just an old 300D and this fantastic lens!
Guest 16-Jan-2007 09:28
Very nice lens! Super sharp, I really like it used as portrait lens, not only for macro!
You can do incredible things!
Look here to check what you can do without using very sofisticate tools...just an old 300D and this fantastic lens!
Ben D. Mor16-Oct-2006 15:10
My gallery with pics from both the Canon EF-S 10-22 and the Sigma 10-20 EX has now moved to:
Guest 07-Jul-2006 21:21
What an incredible lens. Check out some samples and see for yourself.
Guest 20-Jun-2006 15:48
Canon 10-22, or Sigma 10-20? :>
Ron Wright15-Jun-2006 17:11
I recently purchased this lens and my first impression of it is favorable. There are issues with distortion, sharpness, and vignetting but this is to be expected with a super wide angle lens. Much of this can be easily and quickly corrected in PhotoShop.

I have several sample photos that can be seen in this gallery:

This is a good lens for people with any of the digital Rebels, 20D, or 30D.
Guest 12-Jun-2006 12:12
Certainly one of my favourite lenses. I am very impressed with the quality and sharpness. Went on a short wekend break to the Lake District to take photos and this was the main lens I used, and I think I have taken my best photographs with it.

My gallery of pics taken with this lens:

To compare this with other lenses used be me (a relative beginner) on a my first DSLR, the Canon EOS 350D, during a 2 month period go to:
Guest 04-Apr-2006 07:49
Ho acquistato questa lente non meno di 20 giorni fa. Ho cominciato ad usarla in occasione di un viaggio a Lisbona (in Portogallo). Ho trovato questa lente molto nitida, ben contrastata, leggera ma ben costruita. Usarla è molto divertente, ma anche un po' difficile. Quando si scatta a 10mm se non si sta attenti, nell'inquadratura può entrare di tutto.
Gordon Larrivee28-Feb-2006 00:19
I took three other lenses with me to France this year but this one did not leave my camera
Guest 19-Feb-2006 23:08
I LOVE my lens!
Although is comes a little (or sometimes VERY) soft at open aperture while at the widest angle.
You can take a look at my gallery for varius pictures taken with it :-)
Guest 19-Feb-2006 23:07
I LOVE my lens!
Although is comes a little (or sometimes VERY) soft at open aperture while at the widest angle.
You can take a look at my gallery for varius pictures taken with it :-)
Guest 26-Jan-2006 17:23
This lens is AMAZING!!!
Guest 17-Jan-2006 19:06
a sample gallery of what this excellent zoom can do with the 20D in a museum.

and some tests, but i think "real" pictures are more signifiant.
Guest 19-Dec-2005 03:27
This lens is great. You can fit so much and stay close to the subject. It's a little soft on the edges, but you can really get creative with this lens....check out some examples at
Mark Kane06-Dec-2005 21:50
Examples at:
The EF-S 10-22mm is a really fun lens - not terribly sharp, but fun nonetheless.

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