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June 6

The Border

The U.S. - Mexico Border ends at the Pacific Ocean.
Here seen from the the Mexican side at Playas de Tijuana.
It is not permitted to approach the border this close from the U.S. side.
The names on the fence are of the people who died at the border.
Having lived close to the border that used to divide East & West Germany, this was a sad sight for me to see yesterday morning.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
1/200s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska01-Sep-2018 00:30
A very sad story of this political fence, shame to the civilized world. V.
Don Mottershead30-Jun-2018 01:53
Strong image.
Chris Gibbins20-Jun-2018 22:44
A very powerful image. V.
Julie Oldfield09-Jun-2018 14:37
Fantastic composition and documentation of this sad place. This country is so xenophobic. V
Colin Storey08-Jun-2018 13:56
A very sad sight and thought provoking image.
danad08-Jun-2018 10:17
I do not know that... Clever composition on that very sad place. V.
Yvonne08-Jun-2018 08:04
A very sad state of affairs... I hope after Trump this fence is dismantled
and put in the scrap heap.. very sad to see all the names. v
Bryan Murahashi08-Jun-2018 04:51
A powerful photo of this tragic sight.
Dennis Hoyne08-Jun-2018 02:47
Maybe once Calexit happens that border wall will come down. It's kind of a chilling image. V
LynnH08-Jun-2018 01:46
Wall doesn't solve anything. Excellent reportage, Walter. V
Jeff Real08-Jun-2018 00:49
A powerful photograph bringing this bad situation to light
woody3407-Jun-2018 23:33
Quite a disturbing photograph, a sad story all round,V
bill friedlander07-Jun-2018 23:11
It gives me the creeps. Well documented story. V
Graeme07-Jun-2018 21:57
A sad sight indeed, Walter.BV
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Jun-2018 20:19
C'est magnifique! VVV
joseantonio07-Jun-2018 19:42
great find and capture. I don´t think a wall will solve all the problems at that border.V.
Wintermeer07-Jun-2018 16:40
Very evocative image, sad to see we have not superseded this utter nonsense! Great documentary style! ~V~
Neil Marcus07-Jun-2018 16:01
This is a painful reminder of what is happening in our counyrty to foster this intolerance. Most of we viewers never knew about this memorial.
globalgadabout07-Jun-2018 15:53
ugly, and harrowing...yet another dividing wall that reflects badly on a government short on subtlety and effective solutions...fantastic shot though, effectively capturing the alienating feel of the location...V
Stephanie07-Jun-2018 15:41
Not only can walls keep people out, they can also keep people in....
Excellent image Walter! V
janescottcumming07-Jun-2018 15:36
A sad site indeed. A wall will not solve would think the people of the world would have learned that by now. Excellent photo. V
larose forest photos07-Jun-2018 15:04
What a sorry spectacle this is, and we know who wants to build more walls. A superb documentary shot. V
Long Bach Nguyen07-Jun-2018 15:00
wow that is unbelievable and reminded me of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain
David Buzzeo07-Jun-2018 14:54
Fences and borders that keep us apart are a sad thing in general. I will always sadly remember the east/west border in 1973 at Lubec, Germany. It was so dehumanizing. Impact-full photojournalism with this image. V
Frank Tran07-Jun-2018 14:50
Well composed and captured. V+
Jim Coffman07-Jun-2018 14:47
Wow, unbelievable!
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