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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > June 7
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June 7

Another World on our kitchen counter

Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF DI 90mm f/2.8 Macro
1s f/36.0 at 90.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl Carbone11-Jun-2018 18:18
Love the tight framing and DOF. Beautiful.
Graeme09-Jun-2018 21:12
A superb capture of this petty flower.BV
Julie Oldfield09-Jun-2018 14:34
So pretty. Love the light. V
Pierre09-Jun-2018 11:32
Un très joli bouquet fleuri sous une magnifique lumière, une image très détaillée! V
Neil Marcus08-Jun-2018 19:55
The color and lighting adds drama to a beautiful display. "VVV"as
Frank Tran08-Jun-2018 19:05
Amazing capture. V+
Jeff Real08-Jun-2018 17:31
What a grand beauty!
I love the way the light reveals the beauty
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)08-Jun-2018 17:23
Excellent,beautifully done! V
Wintermeer08-Jun-2018 15:53
Such gorgeous light! ~V~
LynnH08-Jun-2018 15:19
I really like the subtle lighting for this one. Great colors. V
danad08-Jun-2018 15:15
A superb display of colors and light. V.
joseantonio08-Jun-2018 15:13
absolutely lovely.V.-
Blandine Mangin08-Jun-2018 14:17
superb ! v
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