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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > June 5
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June 5

Adelaida's Roses

Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF DI 90mm f/2.8 Macro
30s f/14.0 at 90.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Patricia Kay07-Jun-2018 22:29
Gorgeous bouquet of roses Walter...Adelaida is a lucky lady....BV
Graeme07-Jun-2018 21:58
A perfect arrangement. VV!
Long Bach Nguyen07-Jun-2018 15:00
Fong Lam07-Jun-2018 14:21
Such a fabulous bunch of pretty flowers and so well composed against a dark bg...V
Pierre07-Jun-2018 11:22
Un splendide bouquet de roses sur un superbe fond noir, une excellente photo Walter! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal07-Jun-2018 06:45
Beautiful colors, sharpness and background.
LynnH07-Jun-2018 02:03
Wow, very striking color with the black background. bV
Colin Storey06-Jun-2018 17:39
Fantastic with the dark background, they really stand out.
Nirvan Hope06-Jun-2018 16:53
Superb. Perfect against the black.
larose forest photos06-Jun-2018 14:50
Fabulous shot. This perspective is especially pleasing, and against the black backdrop the flowers stand out beautifully. VV
Yvonne06-Jun-2018 10:21
They are a delight!!! v
danad06-Jun-2018 10:19
Superb work again, Walter ! V.
Irene Wehrli06-Jun-2018 07:59
Wow - a wonderful bunch of roses, Walter!
woody3406-Jun-2018 04:11
Very lovely, and the presentation is perfect...V
Julie Oldfield06-Jun-2018 02:54
Gorgeous! Great POV to capture their beauty. V
Jeff Real06-Jun-2018 01:24
What a magnificent beauty!
I love this color
Stephanie06-Jun-2018 01:12
I love this Walter! Did you shoot this against a black background or something else? V
laine05-Jun-2018 23:45
Creamy lovely. V
janescottcumming05-Jun-2018 23:15
Beautiful yellow roses and so pretty against the dark background.
bill friedlander05-Jun-2018 23:08
A beautiful bouquet on the perfect background. V
joseantonio05-Jun-2018 21:04
such a lovely image.V.
Frank Tran05-Jun-2018 19:36
Very beautiful! Well done. V+
Frank Brault05-Jun-2018 18:58
Gorgeous. Love the simplicity of the black background. V
globalgadabout05-Jun-2018 18:50
bursting with joy, and a positive message..
Jim Coffman05-Jun-2018 18:44
A great long exposure capture, Walter...
Neil Marcus05-Jun-2018 17:49
Roses selected at their most beautiful moment. You both did a good job. "VVV"
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