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Ernst van Loon | all galleries >> Galleries >> Things > Richard Hennessy (2)
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2007-01-28 Ernst van Loon

Richard Hennessy (2)

This is my final reconstruction of a photo by Paul Evers ( ), from the beautiful book "Proeven van bekwaamheid" ( ).
The bottle was lit by one tungsten bedlamp behind a diffuser (backlight from camera left).
Photoshop helped me to enhance the contrast and brighten the liquid.
An earlier attempt is here. [Fotovakschool assignment]

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 22-Jun-2008 11:06
I like this very much! V!
Rob Legeland08-Sep-2007 19:30
Prachtige kunstzinnige compositie! V
Marisa Livet04-Feb-2007 13:45
It's very accurate and wonderfully taken, the light through the carved glass profile is amazing.