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Doug J | all galleries >> Birds, Birds, Birds >> Passeriformes Gallery > Blue-faced Honeyeater
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Blue-faced Honeyeater

Scientific name: Entomyzon cyanotis
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Meliphagidae

Also called Bananabird

A large honeyeater 25-32 cm (9-13 in) in length, the adult Blue-faced honeyeater is easily recognized by its patch of bare blue skin around its eyes. The head and throat are otherwise predominantly blackish with a white stripe around the nape and another from the cheek. The underparts are white and the back and wings olive in color. Juveniles are distinguished by their yellow or greenish face patches and dark brown rather than black on the head.

They live throughout open woodland, pandanus, paperbarks, mangroves, watercourses, parks and gardens. They are commonly known to suck the nectar out of grevillea trees and are very common around the backyard.

Their diet consists of pollen, berries, nectar, and cultivated crops such as bananas or particularly grapes, but the bulk of their diet consists of insects. Usually very inquisitive, and friendly birds, they will often invade a campsite, searching for edible items.

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Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
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j 15-Jul-2006 20:53
I just spent a delightful hour in the Birds, Birds, Birds portion of your website. Your photos are nothing short of magnificent and I saw birds I never knew existed. I'm emailing friends of my find so they too can enjoy this site. Now on to the "other galleries". Thank you so very much for sharing this!