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Doug J | profile | all galleries >> Birds, Birds, Birds >> Passeriformes Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Passeriformes Gallery

A collection birds shot in Singapore - Jurong Bird Park and the natural habitats throughout the island - Thailand, China and elsewhere. The birds are from Asia, Oceania, South America, North America and Africa. I'll continue to add to this gallery, so stop back again!

A number of these photos have been published; some are used in zoos, bird parks and elsewhere on wildlife & avian websites for reference and in print. I hope you enjoy the photos of these marvelous creatures, as much as I enjoy capturing & presenting them.

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Wilson's Bird of Paradise
Wilson's Bird of Paradise
Wilson's Bird of Paradise
Wilson's Bird of Paradise
Wilson's Bird of Paradise
Wilson's Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
Lesser Bird of Paradise
12-wired Bird of Paradise - Male
12-wired Bird of Paradise - Male
12-wired Bird of Paradise - Male juvenile
12-wired Bird of Paradise - Male juvenile
12-wired Bird of Paradise - female
12-wired Bird of Paradise - female
12-Wired Bird of Paradise - female
12-Wired Bird of Paradise - female
12-Wired Bird of Paradise - female
12-Wired Bird of Paradise - female
King Bird of Paradise
King Bird of Paradise
King Bird-of-paradise
King Bird-of-paradise
Red Bird of Paradise - Female
Red Bird of Paradise - Female
Red Bird of Paradise - Wing exercise
Red Bird of Paradise - Wing exercise
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird
Yellow-faced Myna and Hill Myna
Yellow-faced Myna and Hill Myna
Yellow-faced Myna
Yellow-faced Myna
Yellow-faced Myna
Yellow-faced Myna
Javan Myna
Javan Myna
Javan Myna
Javan Myna
Bali Myna
Bali Myna
Bali Mynah
Bali Mynah
Java Sparrow
Java Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Common Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat
Swamp Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Eastern Meadowlark
Eastern Meadowlark
Pied Triller
Pied Triller
Yellow-rumped Cacique
Yellow-rumped Cacique
Yellow-rumped Cacique - Trust
Yellow-rumped Cacique - Trust
Montezuma Oropendola
Montezuma Oropendola
Montezuma Oropendola
Montezuma Oropendola
Hair-crested Drongo
Hair-crested Drongo
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - Female with breakfast
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - Female with breakfast
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - Male
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - Male
Urban Crow - watching TV :-)
Urban Crow - watching TV :-)
American Crow
American Crow
White-crowned Robin Chat
White-crowned Robin Chat
White-crowned Robin Chat
White-crowned Robin Chat
Pekin Robin
Pekin Robin
Black-naped Oriole - male
Black-naped Oriole - male
Black-naped Oriole
Black-naped Oriole
Black-naped Oriole - juvenile
Black-naped Oriole - juvenile
Black-naped Oriole - juvenile
Black-naped Oriole - juvenile
Black-naped Oriole - juvenile
Black-naped Oriole - juvenile
Pacific Swallow
Pacific Swallow
Pacific Swallow
Pacific Swallow
Purple Martin
Purple Martin
Sun Conure
Sun Conure
Green-cheeked Conure
Green-cheeked Conure
Green-cheeked Conure
Green-cheeked Conure
Crimson-bellied Conure
Crimson-bellied Conure
Blue-headed Parrot
Blue-headed Parrot
Red-breasted Parakeet - male
Red-breasted Parakeet - male
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Rose-ringed Parakeet - male
Rose-ringed Parakeet - male
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Rose-ringed Parakeet - female
Rose-ringed Parakeet - female
Plum-headed Parakeet - male
Plum-headed Parakeet - male
Lilian's Lovebird
Lilian's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird
Derbyan Parakeet
Derbyan Parakeet
Derbyan Parakeet
Derbyan Parakeet
Nanday Parakeet
Nanday Parakeet
Nanday Parakeet
Nanday Parakeet
Nanday Parakeet.jpg
Nanday Parakeet.jpg
Green Broadbill
Green Broadbill
Golden-breasted Starling
Golden-breasted Starling
Golden-breasted Starling
Golden-breasted Starling
Superb Starling - after the rain
Superb Starling - after the rain
Superb Starling
Superb Starling
Emerald Starling
Emerald Starling
Emerald Starling
Emerald Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Hildebrandt's Starling
Hildebrandt's Starling
Asian Glossy Starling
Asian Glossy Starling
Asian Glossy Starling
Asian Glossy Starling
Asian Glossy Starling
Asian Glossy Starling
Asian Glossy Starling - juvenile
Asian Glossy Starling - juvenile
Asian Glossy Starling - juvenile
Asian Glossy Starling - juvenile
Vinous-breasted Starling
Vinous-breasted Starling
Fairy bluebird - female
Fairy bluebird - female
Fairy Bluebird - male
Fairy Bluebird - male
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Wattled Starling - male
Wattled Starling - male
Wattled Starling - male
Wattled Starling - male
Wattled Starling - non-breeding male
Wattled Starling - non-breeding male
Black-winged Starling - female
Black-winged Starling - female
Black-winged Starling
Black-winged Starling
Purple Glossy Starling
Purple Glossy Starling
Purple Glossy Starling
Purple Glossy Starling
Brahminy Starling
Brahminy Starling
Black-collared Starling
Black-collared Starling
Black-collared Starling
Black-collared Starling
Violet-backed Starling - male
Violet-backed Starling - male
Violet-backed Starling - male
Violet-backed Starling - male
Violet-backed Starling - female
Violet-backed Starling - female
Violet-backed Starling - female
Violet-backed Starling - female
Boat-tailed Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle - female.jpg
Boat-tailed Grackle - female.jpg
Boat-tailed Grackle - female.jpg
Boat-tailed Grackle - female.jpg
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Green Magpie
Green Magpie
Oriental Magpie Robin - female
Oriental Magpie Robin - female
Oriental Magpie Robin - female
Oriental Magpie Robin - female
Oriental Magpie Robin - male
Oriental Magpie Robin - male
Oriental Magpie Robin - male
Oriental Magpie Robin - male
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