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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Digital Art! > Happy Birthday Dad!
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Happy Birthday Dad!

Dads birthday today couldnt resist putting his card up, of him growing up!
To the parents who always make look towards the stars everyday.
Thank you!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chris31-May-2008 08:04
Hope you had a wonderful day Dad! Happy Birthday.
Lovely card and tribute, Cazi. Chris
Fong Lam31-May-2008 00:47
This is a wonderful card, Carole.
Happy Birthday to your dad.
Tom Munson30-May-2008 20:31
Happy birthday to your dad, Carole. Cool card.
Linda Matta30-May-2008 15:54
Lovely collage.. thanks so much for sharing.
Happy Birthday Carole's Dad!!!!
J. Scott Coile30-May-2008 14:26
Excellent! Happy birthday Dad!!!
laine8230-May-2008 10:47
Happy Birthday to your Dad !! love the history in this collage.
Ann...30-May-2008 09:52
Lovely tribute. Happy Birthday Carole's Dad.
Sheila30-May-2008 08:34
Lovely card! Happy Birthday Carole's dad!
Jola Dziubinska30-May-2008 08:11
Great collage and tribute, vote.
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