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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Digital Art! > Look to the stars!
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Look to the stars!

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/125s f/1.8 at 85.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jim Coffman08-Sep-2009 12:29
Great to meet you,Carole!! Very nice work.
Alina05-Sep-2008 15:00
Great! v
Ray :)04-Jun-2008 18:43
I feel I am looking at a star right now!
This is totally gorgeous Carole!
Pixel Shooter01-Jun-2008 16:12
wonderful, those eyes!!!! vote
Andrew Vincent31-May-2008 01:26
Nice to meet you Carole! A stellar job :-)

Fong Lam31-May-2008 00:48
Lovely SP, Carole.
Those are stellar green eyes.
Guest 30-May-2008 23:35
Love those green eyes... Beautiful!
Phillip Normanton30-May-2008 21:09
Brilliant - from another planet - the eyes are superb!
Johnny JAG30-May-2008 20:31
Absolutely amazing SP.
laine8230-May-2008 10:45
You are absolutely beautiful, Cazi...!!
Ann...30-May-2008 09:53
Sheila30-May-2008 08:35
Oh you look like a star! Gorgeous!
Jola Dziubinska30-May-2008 08:10
Fabulous portrait, mesmerizing green eyes, you are so beautiful!
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