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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Galleries >> Digital Art! > The Woodland Goddess!
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The Woodland Goddess!

Spent the day playing in Photoshop, in between chick feeds and cleaning cages and bowls of course; so thought I would give you a change from chicks!

This took over 2 hours and many layers and different brushes and tools, this was not done with a one-stop filter!

Best in original!

Canon EOS 20D
1/250s f/5.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
blizzard24-Aug-2007 04:02
original creative and very artistic
very impressive camera work
congrats v
Jen Bixler30-Jun-2007 14:52
This is awesome.
Rox 24-Mar-2007 07:16
Cool the treatment
poetry66609-Mar-2007 17:46
Well done Carole,finished result is excellent.Vote.
Joanne Kamo08-Mar-2007 05:32
Very creative idea! Well done. V
Jay Levin08-Mar-2007 05:27
Outstanding work, Carole. Vote
nordic07-Mar-2007 23:25
very creative... now that's what I call a good day, just you and photoshop!!
Sheila07-Mar-2007 23:24
Great work Caz.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 22:42
Robbie D7007-Mar-2007 22:32
I like this, its good to see your artistic flair getting an airing. Looks like you learnt a lot of useful techniques. Superb work well done.
Dan Chusid07-Mar-2007 20:46
Nice woodcut!
Lee Rudd07-Mar-2007 20:01
now this really would be spooky if met in the woods!
chrisse07-Mar-2007 19:33
Wow ! it was worth all the work Cazi, it turned out great. Well done.
Johnny JAG07-Mar-2007 19:32
Great result, well done.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 19:03
lovely treatment.
Peter Stahl07-Mar-2007 18:53
Very cool result . Well worth the time. Luv the treatment. GMV.
beverley harrison07-Mar-2007 18:43
as if those chicks are'nt enough to keep you busy!!lol!!
Ray :)07-Mar-2007 18:25
If you go down to the woods today, you are in for a big surprise!
Guest 07-Mar-2007 18:10
Excellent work. Voted.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 18:05
WOW!!!! Vote
Marjan Schavemaker07-Mar-2007 18:04
Well done, Carole! -V-
Rose Atkinson07-Mar-2007 17:58
I admire your concentration ! Great result
Victoria07-Mar-2007 17:55
What a gorgeous Goddess, this is brilliant
Nicki Thurgar07-Mar-2007 17:54
Fabulous treatment Cazi, well worth all that effort!
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