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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Digital Art! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Digital Art!

A mixture of work when Im feeling creative!
I have not used any templates or simple filters of 1 button, some of these images have taken many hours of work using ONLY the tools and layers of Photoshop CS3 extended, Corel paintshop proX2 and Lightroom!
Also using an Wacom intuos 3 A4 graphics tablet; which I use for all my photography editing not just the art!
Always best in original!
Flood Artistry!
:: Flood Artistry! ::
Immortality !
Immortality !
Autumn Earth goddess!
Autumn Earth goddess!
Look to the stars!
Look to the stars!
Lizard Queen!
Lizard Queen!
My New Baby!
My New Baby!
Alien Flower- is this Kang or Kodos (Simpsons)?
Alien Flower- is this Kang or Kodos (Simpsons)?
Buzzed Mum!
Buzzed Mum!
Last light at Horsey Mill!
Last light at Horsey Mill!
The last of the Cosmos!
The last of the Cosmos!
Just Yellow!
Just Yellow!
Painted ladies!
Painted ladies!
Lupin Tryptych!
Lupin Tryptych!
Bluebell woods tryptych!
Bluebell woods tryptych!
Zebra Trytych!
Zebra Trytych!
Tigerflower Tryptych!
Tigerflower Tryptych!
Painterly !
Painterly !
Herringfleet Mill!
Herringfleet Mill!
Friday SP?
Friday SP?
Electric toothbrush!
Electric toothbrush!
The Woodland Goddess!
The Woodland Goddess!
Happy Birthday Dad!
Happy Birthday Dad!
Daisy cube!
Daisy cube!
Your favourites!
Your favourites!
Fashionable cows!
Fashionable cows!
Painting my wood just with light no PS!
Painting my wood just with light no PS!
Lupin madness!
Lupin madness!
My 2007!
My 2007!
The red Bus!
The red Bus!
The Eiffel Tower day and night!
The Eiffel Tower day and night!
But Very Bad girls go to Paris and London!
But Very Bad girls go to Paris and London!
Earth goddess!
Earth goddess!
Old graphic card!
Old graphic card!
New toy!
New toy!
Intuos 3 limited edition A4 graphics tablet!
Intuos 3 limited edition A4 graphics tablet!
New Graphics card!
New Graphics card!