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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > St. Mary's Hospital
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25 February 2006 Peg Price

St. Mary's Hospital

St. Mary's Road

In 1870 the Seven Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Missouri traveled to Tucson to open a school. Bishop Jean Baptiste Salpointe pleaded with them to open a much needed hospital since the railroad was about to arrive and along with it a larger population.
On April 24, 1880, one month before the railroad arrived, the hospital opened with 12 beds. Dr. John C. Handy was its first physician. In the next 10 years it added a 24-bed isolation cottage for TB patients.
Today St. Mary's is recognized as Arizona's oldest hospital with the busiest emergency room in the city.

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Armando Miguélez 23-Dec-2014 16:48
El obispo J.B. Salpointe murió en él en 1898
Guest 02-May-2008 14:52
Trying to find a photo of St.Mary's hospital from c.1921. If anyone has one please get in touch.