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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > Ye Olde Lantern Restaurant
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17 May 2004 Peg Price

Ye Olde Lantern Restaurant

1800 N. Oracle Rd.

February 25, 2006 Update: The Olde Lantern closes its doors tonight after serving Tucson since 1924.
Its owners, retiring to Houston, were unable to find a buyer to keep it open.
The building, however, will be saved as it has been purchased by the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, Lodge 385.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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j s jenkins 15-Feb-2008 04:12
The dented but still jaunty lantern portion of this sign can now be seen in a small fenced lot that I think is on 18th st. east of Park Ave.
I'm so happy you got this shot before it was too late