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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM

Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1998
Lens Mount: EF
Lens: 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 ø72
Random Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Samples from 56643 available Photos more
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sir_chief18-Jun-2012 19:50
The 28-135mm IS is a worth lens in my opinion. Lens creep can be a bit annoying, but it isn't a very long fall and the versatility of zoom range, quick and silent auto-focus, and outstanding Image Stabilization make it well worth dealing with a few inches of creep. And don't forget, you also get full-time manual focus over-ride, and that is EXTREMELY convenient.

I find the lens sharp and the contrast very good. I personally use a Custom Image Parameter setting and beef up the in camera sharpness a couple of notches.

Biggest drawback is 28mm is not much of a wide angle on a crop body, but I like zoom flexibility more, so it is worth it to me. Buy a cheap, used or refurb 18-55 IS if you need extra wide angle for 100 bucks.
Guest 19-Jun-2009 02:47
This lens came with my 40D new. It has really bad lens creep and the focus seems to be fuzzy with AF. I have since removed it from my lenses that I carry and will not use it again.
madame0103-Oct-2008 17:20
How do i get in contact wiht Ralph white?
Tim Rucci04-Oct-2007 14:43
The Canon 28-135 IS lens is probably the perfect all-purpose lens. I use this lens more than any other when I'm traveling, because it is wide enough for most scenery shots and it also provides a decent amount of zoom. Most of my photos on recent trips to Greece and Italy were shot with this lens. On a 1.6x body like the 20d, 30d, or 40d, the field of view is equal to that of a 45-216 zoom on a typical 35mm camera. On my main camera(1D MkIIN) it's equivalent to about 37-175mm.

The image stabilization is amazing on this lens. I've shot in low light situations routinely at 1/15 of a second, and have actually gotten some good results as slow as 1/4 second. For shots inside cathedrals, you can get some good results using the image stabilization, but you will often wish for a wider lens. At times like this, sometimes switch to my Sigma 20mm f1.8.

But overall, the 28-135 is a great lens to have on your camera. It will come through for you on probably 90% of the situations you encounter in everyday use, or while traveling. I would highly recommend this lens as a first lens for someone just starting out with a DSLR. I've been into photography for about 35 years, and this was my first lens after switching from film. If I had to do it all over again, the 28-135 would still be my first lens. It's also easy on the wallet, compared to some of the other choices.

Some of my best examples shot with the 25-135 IS lens from my trip to Greece, can been be seen in my Greece gallery here:

If you find this information helpful, please drop me a note in my pbase galleries...
Guest 01-May-2007 23:14
An often under-rated lens imo, the 28-135mm IS USM is a great walkabout lens which is made of a very clear glass and gives a good range from wide to telephoto with some pretty sharp captures in everything but the extreme telephoto end which suffers just a little bit from some softness. It's not enough to ruin a shot though. The IS works well and has USM, so very quiet in action. I'd recommend this lens any day.
Guest 01-May-2007 23:04
An often under-rated lens imo, the 28-135mm IS USM is a great walkabout lens which is made of a very clear glass and gives a good range from wide to telephoto with some pretty sharp captures in everything but the extreme telephoto end which suffers just a little bit from some softness. It's not enough to ruin a shot though. The IS works well and has USM, so very quiet in action. I'd recommend this lens any day.
Guest 01-May-2007 23:02
An often under-rated lens imo, the 28-135mm IS USM is a great walkabout lens which is made of a very clear glass and gives a good range from wide to telephoto with some pretty sharp captures in everything but the extreme telephoto end which suffers just a little bit from some softness. It's not enough to ruin a shot though. The IS works well and has USM, so very quiet in action. I'd recommend this lens any day.

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