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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Babies and Kids >> Circle of life (Monika,Amelia&Me) >> Pregnancy >
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Nikon D80
1/100s f/11.0 at 50.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bill Warren10-Sep-2010 23:21
Excellent couples shot in crisp B&W.
Jim Coffman10-Sep-2010 20:31
Very nice work~!! V
Paul Bartlett10-Sep-2010 18:28
Beautiful image. A wonderful moment! V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak10-Sep-2010 18:21
You look beautiful together ;~}}}
zyziza10-Sep-2010 18:13
very hopeful shot, bright and future make!
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