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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Babies and Kids >> Circle of life (Monika,Amelia&Me) >> Pregnancy >
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Nikon D80
1/250s f/1.0 iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Photodelles03-Oct-2010 22:10
Fantastic composition, Bravo !!!!
Robyco16-Sep-2010 19:56
awesome composition !! (V)
norbi10-Sep-2010 16:33
Fantastic composed. v. norbi
Patricia Kay10-Sep-2010 15:14
Fabulous image Bartosz...BV
zyziza10-Sep-2010 13:51
Superb compo and pov!!!
CM Kwan10-Sep-2010 12:41
Superb capture! V
Jean-Rene A10-Sep-2010 08:01
Very nice and original composition.
Sumptuous sky in B&W. V
Jola Dziubinska10-Sep-2010 07:27
Fantastic creative work, excellent pov and light. V.
Nora van Beek10-Sep-2010 00:10
Amazing and so very creative! BV!
laine09-Sep-2010 22:51
A superb composition!!
Guest 09-Sep-2010 22:42
wonderful compo' \v/
Jim Coffman09-Sep-2010 22:41
Máire Uí Mhaicín09-Sep-2010 22:08
A fine portrait.
Hodero09-Sep-2010 21:18
I'm speechless!!
What a great picture.Like the treatment and exceptional pov.
Big Vote!
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