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Antonis Sarantos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Portraits > 29 May 2005 "My self-reflection to a stranger (SP)"
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29 May 2005 "My self-reflection to a stranger (SP)"


This is my first SP, if it could be called like this.
It is more like a psychography of mine.
I promise you that I will try to explore this subject soon.
Dedicating to Ron (whiskey01) who gave me the motive for this picture.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/200s f/5.6 at 26.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Rochelle Weiss31-May-2005 16:54
Wonderful picture on many levels, Antonis. He has that look many of us have seen: "One of those crazy photographers."
Cliff31-May-2005 16:16
Yes.. a good SP for a candid street photographer. The little look of apprehension in the face of the subject as he realizes he is being photographed I am sure is something we'd see all the time. Excellent - as ever Antonis!
Karen Leaf31-May-2005 00:32
There are so many reflections in this Antonis, I think you're telling us you are a complex man. Very very nice.
Guest 30-May-2005 22:22
I'm so envious of your photo style,Antonis. You were standing pretty close (26mm). I have to train myself to do day.
Guest 30-May-2005 21:55
I'm squinting, but I can't quite see you ... and he certainly is not happy! Judging by the lines at the side of his mouth, he is never happy! :)
Guest 30-May-2005 20:33
I love the expression
Gail Davison30-May-2005 19:57
Cool shot Antonis but we can't quite see you :-)
Guest 30-May-2005 18:38
Nice to see you thru the glass Antoni, very nice portrait as always
Gary Winters30-May-2005 17:50
Good shot, but let's SEE MORE OF YOU! tap...tap...tap... Ok??
Gilles Navet30-May-2005 14:29
Toujours cette maitrise du N&B qui force le respect de tous les PaDer
Guest 30-May-2005 11:06
Nice capture, though the SP didn't really come through! I like his look - sort of a "who the hell is this?" kind of expression. Great how it's framed in the window.
Guest 30-May-2005 10:06
at least it is a start. :P
now you need to open up a bit is very therapeutic. :)
i love the stranger's facial expression though. :)
Caroline30-May-2005 06:25
Guest 30-May-2005 05:33
hehehe, nice first start, but it is a bit hard to see you, hopefully next friday we can see you more clearly. Thanks for dedicating the photo to me, sure made my day!
Guest 30-May-2005 03:16
A mixture of reflection and subject! Nice way of framing the subject too!
Dan Chusid29-May-2005 23:42
An important aspect of the image is that you've left in the bottom detail below the window rather than slicing it off to 'square' the composition. Good start to your SP future!
Guest 29-May-2005 22:25
i like the man's stare .. i like that you left a bottom sash of the door/window in the frame. exposure, as always, perfect.
northstar3729-May-2005 21:57
'why me?' he thinks...
Leo Charette29-May-2005 21:20
Antonis this is a powerful portrait. The reflection give a sense of looking in at the window of a man's thoughts. Well seen and captured.
Guest 29-May-2005 20:52
Nice as always Antonis!
Tor29-May-2005 20:40
Very nice. I can't see you, but the look he is sending you is very intriguing.
Guest 29-May-2005 20:02
priceless expression!
Guest 29-May-2005 19:51
*grin* that fella in the cap does not look too pleased to see you, antonis!
Vinh Luu29-May-2005 19:24
we can't really see you, so i'm not so sure you'd call it an SP. :) but the expression on that man's face is priceless. he must be wondering why you're standing in front of him with a camera pointed at him. the reflection of the tree is a nice effect.
JW29-May-2005 19:18
Great picture, reflection and framing. Interesting this discussion about taking street candids. I'm not very brave yet!
JeremyGood29-May-2005 18:45
A self portrait but true to your style, nicely done.
Susanne29-May-2005 18:12
I have to command you and ask you actually. When you take pictures, which this one is very bold, of a stranger you feel awkward when they note that you photograph them? Do you ask their permission? I still try to get over that part were I feel guilty for photographing strangers on a candid. I love your first SP. I like how you one with this stranger. A very nice aspect of a SP.
Guest 29-May-2005 17:53
wow..i love everything about this, and good luck; excellent sp
Guest 29-May-2005 17:38
Wow, this is super!!
Ray :)29-May-2005 17:18
You're a shadowy figure!
Love his expression.
Faye White29-May-2005 17:14
Guest 29-May-2005 16:58
wonderful effect !
love it!
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