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Antonis Sarantos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Portraits > 26 May 2005 "Suspicious minds"
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26 May 2005 "Suspicious minds"


Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/100s f/6.3 at 17.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chris Sofopoulos01-Jun-2005 10:36
Nice angle. Really great.
Rochelle Weiss31-May-2005 16:42
She's probably a real sweetheart once you get past the hardened exterior.
Guest 29-May-2005 10:20
jeepers - looks like my grandmother! great shot
Ray :)28-May-2005 18:59
Hmmm, looks like one of the old guard.
Gail Davison28-May-2005 18:34
Lovely capture. Not a lady to mess with!
Guest 27-May-2005 10:33
great caption to go along the image. :)
Stu27-May-2005 09:48
Yvonne27-May-2005 07:54
I think someone forgot to come and pick her up with her shopping...
I reckon that person will get an earful when he arrives! Wonderful
portrait Antonis!
Guest 27-May-2005 07:03
you konw, you really know how to capture the expression/mood of an individual
Argishti Khachik27-May-2005 06:26
WOW! Excellent shot my friend! Love the angle!
Guest 27-May-2005 06:12
Haha, this is good
Gary Winters27-May-2005 06:06
Guest 27-May-2005 05:51
I really like this portrait.
same question as Jeremy ;-)
Pepe Zyman27-May-2005 04:41
Very strong character!
Guest 27-May-2005 04:03
Great candid. Very interesting subject.
JeremyGood27-May-2005 02:46
Antonis, are you experimenting with low angles, or are you shooting from the hip?
Great shot, nice contrast as always.
Karen Leaf27-May-2005 01:22
She really looks peeved. At her husband, lingering over an ouzo? Her children who never come to see her? Or merely a bus that's running late?
Makes me want to know the story.
Guest 27-May-2005 01:10
Its all in the eyes...
Dave Wyman26-May-2005 23:17
Ok, did your subject even see your camera? Neat photo.
laine8226-May-2005 21:39
She's not liking your camera.
Guest 26-May-2005 21:28
Another great catch - well done!
Vinh Luu26-May-2005 20:39
good character shot. :) suspicious indeed.
Guest 26-May-2005 20:34
That is one strong sharp character. Great.
JW26-May-2005 20:28
Wow! - you were brave to get this one! Great study
Susanne26-May-2005 20:15
Great title that goes with the facial expression. I love the black and white with this one especially, becaue it further gives the image the impression of being suspicous, Fine job Antonios.
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