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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Interstitial Rome >> The frontiers inside > Rome, urban landscape
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Rome, urban landscape

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Guest 20-Jan-2006 06:12
extraordinary photos, Adalberto, in this gallery! I like them a lot. they are postmodern and totally addictive! I can see where you are coming from - philosophically speaking...Voted, and added to fav artists. Am a newbie, but I hope to learn from the better ones... Good luck
Guest 02-Oct-2005 14:52
L'alliage des motos, des rétroviseurs et du graffiti fleuri est vraiment parfait!
Je trouve cette image assez ludique, joyeuse en fait.
kimberly borchardt01-Oct-2005 18:53
A flower seemingly springs up from a garden of motorcycle mirrors!
What an interesting juxtaposition of textures and merger of the two- and three-dimensional. :-)
Kal Khogali01-Oct-2005 14:04
Urbun and urbane. Content, Colours, textures, evreything complements to speak of how the old city is being consumed by the new. Great image Adal.
Guest 01-Oct-2005 11:39
Wonderful image.
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