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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Interstitial Rome >> The frontiers inside > torn
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Luca Zanoni18-Sep-2008 12:37
I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldnt be that man I adored
You dont seem to know, dont seem to care what your heart is for
But I dont know him anymore
Theres nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
Thats whats going on, nothings fine Im...
... torn
( N I )
Enrico Martinuzzi12-Mar-2007 10:01
I love it...
Sue Robertson20-Mar-2006 00:13
Excellent shot.
Jude Marion14-Mar-2006 13:21
Lovely minimalist comp ...
Guest 12-Mar-2006 15:06
Irreparable rend. Like time frozen with rust stains. Need I mention the comp? :-)
Dan Chusid11-Mar-2006 20:27
Better have a doctor check that right away.
Kal Khogali10-Mar-2006 05:05
irreparable and brilliant...K
laine8209-Mar-2006 23:45
Admirable clarity & interesting find. Adal
Steve Price09-Mar-2006 21:25
Simply excellent.
Guest 09-Mar-2006 18:27
Dans un sens, et raye dans l'autre. Bien vu.
Guest 09-Mar-2006 17:46
you know i love this, uno strappo alla vita cittadina.... aaah... o una ferita...
excellent !
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